edge-blade / Dota-2-AI-Bot-Experiment

My Dota 2 Bot Script
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Modifier Assessment for Purge Decision Making #28

Open edge-blade opened 2 years ago

edge-blade commented 2 years ago

Plenty of bots decision making for purge is very rudimentary, or outright useless. Since the scripting engine doesn't seem to contain a way to decide if negative or positive buffs are attached, we should come up with a list of skills and their associated modifiers to look for so we can find the following, will definitely be annoying to maintain, but I don't see a better way to decide when to purge an ally for items like Witchbane, that has no secondary affects such as slow.

edge-blade commented 2 years ago

As a follow up item on this, we can rework Witchbane (item_heavy_blade) after this is done to assess allies properly and also have logic checks for enemy positive buffs.