edge-ml / ml

machine learning component
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Gameplan #1

Closed TobiasRoeddiger closed 2 years ago

TobiasRoeddiger commented 2 years ago

We want to have a first full pipeline as soon as possible. Therefore, we need to come up with a strategy that can efficiently and iterativley contribute towards that goal. Please feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions below.

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TobiasRoeddiger commented 2 years ago


Currently this does not consider what we already have implemented here. I think we can learn from it and get some inspiration four our architecture.

Architecture Thoughts

Features we need:

Internal Structure

abstract class EdgeModel

+ abstract get_hyperparameters();
+ abstract fit(X, y, hyperparameters);
+ abstract predict(X);
+ abstract compileFirmware(targetPlatform); // generates the binary for the target platform

- window_data(X, y, width, stride); // will be called before fit, returns tuple of data and labels
class RandomForest extends EdgeModel

+ get_hyperparameters(); // call super and add own hyperparameters
+ fit(X, y, hyperparameters);
+ predict(X);
+ compileFirmware(targetPlatform);
  param1: {
  param2: {
    type: 'selection',
    options: ['full', 'deep', 'half'],
    required: true, // this parameters has to be selected
    multiSelect: false // determines if multiple items can be selected
  param3: {
    type: "number", // select value by typing a number
    min: 0,
    max: 5,
    inclusiveMin: true, // can min and max be selected
    inclusiveMax: false,
    precision: 'int',  // float also possible,
    required: false
  param4: {
    type: "boolean", // can only be true or false,
    required: false


GET - /model

returns the list of available models that can be trained

Each model has the following information:

  id: "sdfasdfasf34f334f34f",
  name: "RandomForest",
  hyperparameters: META_JSON_FORMATTED_HYPERPARAMETERS, // can be parsed by the frontend to show configuration UI
  isPro: false, // determines if the model can only be used by Pro users

POST - /model/:id

trains the model based on the given parameters


  project: "sdfoi3hf09whf0923hd", // project id for which the model is created
  datasets: ["sadfsdf4f34f", "sdaf34g45g9j45g", ....], // list of datasets ids to use for model training and testing
  labels: ["4456432f44v45ff", "34f234f425fmm4"], // label ids to consider for the classification task
  hyperparameters: { ... }, // as specified from the meta format



GET - /model/trained

returns the list of available models that were trained

list of trained models

GET - /model/trained/:id

returns a specific model that was trained

  modelId: "sdfasdfasf34f334f34f", // id of the model used for training
  hyperparameters: { ... }, // as specified before training
  confusionMatrix: { ... }, // the confusion matrix of all classes
  size: 140.3, // the size mof the model in kB
riedel commented 2 years ago

I talked to @riedel about this and we are thinking about running a Hackathon to build an initial feature extraction library that we can use on Arduino and also call from python on edge-ml. This way we could retain the logic accross platforms.

One more idea for discussion: We could maybe even make this hackathon open to externals. I would actually make the hackathon with a broader scope. Including also automl, etc.

TobiasRoeddiger commented 2 years ago

I talked to @riedel about this and we are thinking about running a Hackathon to build an initial feature extraction library that we can use on Arduino and also call from python on edge-ml. This way we could retain the logic accross platforms.

One more idea for discussion: We could maybe even make this hackathon open to externals. I would actually make the hackathon with a broader scope. Including also automl, etc.

Yes. That would be really nice once we have the meta architecture ready.

riedel commented 2 years ago

Yes. That would be really nice once we have the meta architecture ready.

Maybe it makes sense to do this in a 2 step aproach then:

  1. internal hackathon: with prototypes without fixed meta arch
  2. broader hackathon taking "architecturized" examples from 1st hackathon as basis and examples
TobiasRoeddiger commented 2 years ago

Yes good idea, the python library to pull data is almost ready. For the internal hackathon we would have different people build different models from the data that they pull using the python library. This way we could better understand the requirements for the meta arch and could also validate that collecting data and labeling works as expected.

How relevant will porting to the edge devic be for the hackathon?

TobiasRoeddiger commented 2 years ago

Latest update:

@KtrauM maybe we can add a sensor filter to the notebook, too? This would avoid some bugs (e.g., at the start define ACC_x etc. as target sensors) Otherwise what happens if we have a project with different sensors in some datasets? Then we could just drop useless datasets that don't have all sensors and ignore useless "non-target" sensor streams.