edgeNEXUS / kubernetes-ingress

Ingress controller for the Edgenexus ADC
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When k8 scales ie add new servers to the cluster they are not used #5

Open ghowett opened 2 years ago

ghowett commented 2 years ago

Currently we use the flight path Rule “use server” that send the request to a specific pod/IP.

The use server rule will “intercept” requests that would go to the back end servers and send the request to the single use server server.

IF you “Scale” up the application in k8 the load balancer automatically add the new real servers to a VIP BUT they will not get used because the flightpath user server rule is sending them directly to a single server.

So to resolve this we must create an “Internal VIP” – This is a VIP that is created on the internal 127.0.0.X network

We would then change the flightpath use server rule to point to (in the example below) this service will have the backend real servers that can be added and removed by k8 as it scales.

In this example the OLD way would use server =, if you add additional k8 servers they would not be used as all traffic is going to 217.

In the new way have the “fake” internal address we can add and remove servers from the cluster and it will all work

I have screen shot with a VIP and 2 real servers behind it, the user server rule points to the VIP

SmartCodeMaker commented 2 years ago

@ghowett Please attach a screenshot with more than one VIP configured in correct way. I'd like to be sure that I'm changing it correctly. I'll release a quick fix in the morning. Thank you.

ghowett commented 2 years ago

Hi, I don't have image I wanted to send, I hope the below helps to clarify it.

Each Ingress service will need its own "internal" VIP. Even if there is just 1 server. This is because the K8 may want to add/remove additional servers in the future. The flightpath "use server" rule will send the traffic an internal VIP. The ingress controller can add additional servers to the internal VIP as k8 Scales up and Down the service.

I guess this is us doing load balancing as well as the ingress service

We tend to use the 127.0.0.z range.

Thanks Greg

From: SmartCodeMaker @.> Sent: 07 February 2022 19:16 To: edgeNEXUS/kubernetes-ingress @.> Cc: Greg Howett @.>; Mention @.> Subject: Re: [edgeNEXUS/kubernetes-ingress] When k8 scales ie add new servers to the cluster they are not used (Issue #5)

@ghowetthttps://t.sidekickopen90.com/s3t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7kF8bNR54W54Q1sR2zGCwVN8Jbw_8QsRtKVnxdRT5v0vlYW16gGCF2mF3Cm101?te=W3R5hFj4cm2zwW3P28X24hCPvhW43T4NX3R3cx93bd42&si=8000000006309085&pi=d38e97c7-df0d-49d0-b691-a59559653969 Please attach a screenshot with more than one VIP configured in correct way. I'd like to be sure that I'm changing it correctly. I'll release a quick fix in the morning. Thank you.

- Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHubhttps://t.sidekickopen90.com/s3t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7kF8bNR54W54Q1sR2zGCwVN8Jbw_8QsRtKVnxdRT5v0vlYW16gGCF2mF3Cm101?te=W3R5hFj4cm2zwW3P28X24hCPvhW43T4NV3H5H6FW2xRs_J1LzpMzW3K8QFS4fGCs5W3T1k863K9dy9W3T3qBc3K96zXW1hV0BX4hF6zGW3_X4wH4fdb40W1V0lTK1X0z9Q0&si=8000000006309085&pi=d38e97c7-df0d-49d0-b691-a59559653969, or unsubscribehttps://t.sidekickopen90.com/s3t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7kF8bNR54W54Q1sR2zGCwVN8Jbw_8QsRtKVnxdRT5v0vlYW16gGCF2mF3Cm101?te=W3R5hFj4cm2zwW3P28X24hCPvhW43T4P243X5bgW3SYLpP3T1MdZW1LFyV_4hCWypW49M7TJ1Gy80dW3Qzvpc2Mvzw_W36kq2q21bN7cW2sNZFK2TwBr-W2vRC_m2Mp_W_W2TqDYK32mv0zw2YsLw-77G2&si=8000000006309085&pi=d38e97c7-df0d-49d0-b691-a59559653969. Triage notifications on the go with GitHub Mobile for iOShttps://t.sidekickopen90.com/s3t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7kF8bNR54W54Q1sR2zGCwVN8Jbw_8QsRtKVnxdRT5v0vlYW16gGCF2mF3Cm101?te=W3R5hFj4cm2zwW3zfPTB1JwJ3FW3ZV6nw43T4NQW45SVJV45S_37W1GHFsL49KpvtW3GJ69X20XmM2W24Sc8c3FdthCW43X5bg3SYLpPW3T1McG3K6K77W3Zn-ZQ45rX_PW2dPJGw3_YgfvW4flT141X0-Gm0&si=8000000006309085&pi=d38e97c7-df0d-49d0-b691-a59559653969 or Androidhttps://t.sidekickopen90.com/s3t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7kF8bNR54W54Q1sR2zGCwVN8Jbw_8QsRtKVnxdRT5v0vlYW16gGCF2mF3Cm101?te=W3R5hFj4cm2zwW45RjbS1Jz9RGW3P3n_M3Fbt5SW4cQhLH3JFWKdW45V76R3K9DsyW3Z--x13GPb1kW3_qTPp4fHT3sW1JwHVY49PGkFW1pLjNY29hSKqW3K8Q_Q49pTGlW3_QfJ73_YkBwW3P46kJ2w16ddW3SZ_xh3zhs7SW41n_Fy3zbV8NW1S3_643_QgzDW3H6xvk1mpyScW3_R5921mp67wW4fKWwD43XxswW3JzGX23P28X238FN2&si=8000000006309085&pi=d38e97c7-df0d-49d0-b691-a59559653969. You are receiving this because you were mentioned.Message ID: @.**@.>>

ghowett commented 2 years ago

This is from the product manager:

Please check this and revert with any suggestions for changes.

How does Kub-IC work? Kub-IC is built with interoperability between the EdgeADC and the Kubernetes system in mind. So how exactly does it work? There are two parts to Kub-IC and its operations. The first is Kub-IC itself which is deployed onto your Kubernetes infrastructure and interacts with the EdgeADC residing outside the Kubernetes system. It does by utilizing the EdgeOS API, which then provides it access to the internal operations of the EdgeADC. The second part of the equation is the EdgeADC and its REST API communications. When Kub-IC is installed and configured within your Kubernetes system, it sets up a communication link with the EdgeADC. The process is carried out to create the required VIP and its corresponding elements to load balance the Pods. The following is the process and actions performed by Kub-IC:

From: SmartCodeMaker @.> Sent: 07 February 2022 19:16 To: edgeNEXUS/kubernetes-ingress @.> Cc: Greg Howett @.>; Mention @.> Subject: Re: [edgeNEXUS/kubernetes-ingress] When k8 scales ie add new servers to the cluster they are not used (Issue #5)

@ghowetthttps://t.sidekickopen90.com/s3t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7kF8bNR54W54Q1sR2zGCwVN8Jbw_8QsRtKVnxdRT5v0vlYW16gGCF2mF3Cm101?te=W3R5hFj4cm2zwW3P28X24hCPvhW43T4NX3R3cx93bd42&si=8000000006309085&pi=5360b431-9588-4257-8ec7-54a6f349816b Please attach a screenshot with more than one VIP configured in correct way. I'd like to be sure that I'm changing it correctly. I'll release a quick fix in the morning. Thank you.

- Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHubhttps://t.sidekickopen90.com/s3t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7kF8bNR54W54Q1sR2zGCwVN8Jbw_8QsRtKVnxdRT5v0vlYW16gGCF2mF3Cm101?te=W3R5hFj4cm2zwW3P28X24hCPvhW43T4NV3H5H6FW2xRs_J1LzpMzW3K8QFS4fGCs5W3T1k863K9dy9W3T3qBc3K96zXW1hV0BX4hF6zGW3_X4wH4fdb40W1V0lTK1X0z9Q0&si=8000000006309085&pi=5360b431-9588-4257-8ec7-54a6f349816b, or unsubscribehttps://t.sidekickopen90.com/s3t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7kF8bNR54W54Q1sR2zGCwVN8Jbw_8QsRtKVnxdRT5v0vlYW16gGCF2mF3Cm101?te=W3R5hFj4cm2zwW3P28X24hCPvhW43T4P243X5bgW3SYLpP3T1MdZW1LFyV_4hCWypW49M7TJ1Gy80dW3Qzvpc2Mvzw_W36kq2q21bN7cW2sNZFK2TwBr-W2vRC_m2Mp_W_W2TqDYK32mv0zw2YsLw-77G2&si=8000000006309085&pi=5360b431-9588-4257-8ec7-54a6f349816b. Triage notifications on the go with GitHub Mobile for iOShttps://t.sidekickopen90.com/s3t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7kF8bNR54W54Q1sR2zGCwVN8Jbw_8QsRtKVnxdRT5v0vlYW16gGCF2mF3Cm101?te=W3R5hFj4cm2zwW3zfPTB1JwJ3FW3ZV6nw43T4NQW45SVJV45S_37W1GHFsL49KpvtW3GJ69X20XmM2W24Sc8c3FdthCW43X5bg3SYLpPW3T1McG3K6K77W3Zn-ZQ45rX_PW2dPJGw3_YgfvW4flT141X0-Gm0&si=8000000006309085&pi=5360b431-9588-4257-8ec7-54a6f349816b or Androidhttps://t.sidekickopen90.com/s3t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7kF8bNR54W54Q1sR2zGCwVN8Jbw_8QsRtKVnxdRT5v0vlYW16gGCF2mF3Cm101?te=W3R5hFj4cm2zwW45RjbS1Jz9RGW3P3n_M3Fbt5SW4cQhLH3JFWKdW45V76R3K9DsyW3Z--x13GPb1kW3_qTPp4fHT3sW1JwHVY49PGkFW1pLjNY29hSKqW3K8Q_Q49pTGlW3_QfJ73_YkBwW3P46kJ2w16ddW3SZ_xh3zhs7SW41n_Fy3zbV8NW1S3_643_QgzDW3H6xvk1mpyScW3_R5921mp67wW4fKWwD43XxswW3JzGX23P28X238FN2&si=8000000006309085&pi=5360b431-9588-4257-8ec7-54a6f349816b. You are receiving this because you were mentioned.Message ID: @.**@.>>

SmartCodeMaker commented 2 years ago

Hello @ghowett ,

I think this is it:


Does it look correct?

SmartCodeMaker commented 2 years ago

@ghowett Correction: I think IP addres of INT_VIP shouldn't be It should correspond to one of IP of IC pod group for balancing, i.e. (corresponds to

And real servers of INT_VIP should be like on the video:

ghowett commented 2 years ago

Yes agree

From: SmartCodeMaker @.> Sent: 08 February 2022 07:54 To: edgeNEXUS/kubernetes-ingress @.> Cc: Greg Howett @.>; Mention @.> Subject: Re: [edgeNEXUS/kubernetes-ingress] When k8 scales ie add new servers to the cluster they are not used (Issue #5)

@ghowetthttps://t.sidekickopen90.com/s3t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7kF8bNR54W54Q1sR2zGCwVN8Jbw_8QsRtKVnxdRT5v0vlYW16gGCF2mF3Cm101?te=W3R5hFj4cm2zwW3P28X24hCPvhW43T4NX3R3cx93bd42&si=8000000006309085&pi=aed92e91-4dd9-4e94-b94c-0fbf19f932d5 Correction: I think IP addres of INT_VIP shouldn't be It should correspond to one of IP of IC pod group for balancing, i.e. (corresponds to

And real servers of INT_VIP should be like on the video:

- Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHubhttps://t.sidekickopen90.com/s3t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7kF8bNR54W54Q1sR2zGCwVN8Jbw_8QsRtKVnxdRT5v0vlYW16gGCF2mF3Cm101?te=W3R5hFj4cm2zwW3P28X24hCPvhW43T4NV3H5H6FW2xRs_J1LzpMzW3K8QFS4fGCs5W3T1k863K9dy9W3T3qBc3K96zXW1hV0BX4hF6zGW3_X4wH4fdb40W1V0MWC24SDVV0&si=8000000006309085&pi=aed92e91-4dd9-4e94-b94c-0fbf19f932d5, or unsubscribehttps://t.sidekickopen90.com/s3t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7kF8bNR54W54Q1sR2zGCwVN8Jbw_8QsRtKVnxdRT5v0vlYW16gGCF2mF3Cm101?te=W3R5hFj4cm2zwW3P28X24hCPvhW43T4P243X5bgW3SYLpP3T1MdZW1LFyV_4hCWypW49M7TJ1Gy80dW3Qzvpc2Mvzw_W3b9XzG3bcDvHW2Pt4r-2TrsKGW34pm2n2vTjFJW2TqDYK32mv0zw2YsLw-77G2&si=8000000006309085&pi=aed92e91-4dd9-4e94-b94c-0fbf19f932d5. Triage notifications on the go with GitHub Mobile for iOShttps://t.sidekickopen90.com/s3t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7kF8bNR54W54Q1sR2zGCwVN8Jbw_8QsRtKVnxdRT5v0vlYW16gGCF2mF3Cm101?te=W3R5hFj4cm2zwW3zfPTB1JwJ3FW3ZV6nw43T4NQW45SVJV45S_37W1GHFsL49KpvtW3GJ69X20XmM2W24Sc8c3FdthCW43X5bg3SYLpPW3T1McG3K6K77W3Zn-ZQ45rX_PW2dPJGw3_YgfvW4flT141X0-Gm0&si=8000000006309085&pi=aed92e91-4dd9-4e94-b94c-0fbf19f932d5 or Androidhttps://t.sidekickopen90.com/s3t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7kF8bNR54W54Q1sR2zGCwVN8Jbw_8QsRtKVnxdRT5v0vlYW16gGCF2mF3Cm101?te=W3R5hFj4cm2zwW45RjbS1Jz9RGW3P3n_M3Fbt5SW4cQhLH3JFWKdW45V76R3K9DsyW3Z--x13GPb1kW3_qTPp4fHT3sW1JwHVY49PGkFW1pLjNY29hSKqW3K8Q_Q49pTGlW3_QfJ73_YkBwW3P46kJ2w16ddW3SZ_xh3zhs7SW41n_Fy3zbV8NW1S3_643_QgzDW3H6xvk1mpyScW3_R5921mp67wW4fKWwD43XxswW3JzGX23P28X238FN2&si=8000000006309085&pi=aed92e91-4dd9-4e94-b94c-0fbf19f932d5. You are receiving this because you were mentioned.Message ID: @.**@.>>

ghowett commented 2 years ago

Hi, Have these changes been made as it look like the docker has not changed?

Cheers Greg

From: SmartCodeMaker @.> Sent: 08 February 2022 07:54 To: edgeNEXUS/kubernetes-ingress @.> Cc: Greg Howett @.>; Mention @.> Subject: Re: [edgeNEXUS/kubernetes-ingress] When k8 scales ie add new servers to the cluster they are not used (Issue #5)

@ghowetthttps://t.sidekickopen90.com/s3t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7kF8bNR54W54Q1sR2zGCwVN8Jbw_8QsRtKVnxdRT5v0vlYW16gGCF2mF3Cm101?te=W3R5hFj4cm2zwW3P28X24hCPvhW43T4NX3R3cx93bd42&si=8000000006309085&pi=7d74361a-0d1d-43c3-927f-af310589a0bd Correction: I think IP addres of INT_VIP shouldn't be It should correspond to one of IP of IC pod group for balancing, i.e. (corresponds to

And real servers of INT_VIP should be like on the video:

- Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHubhttps://t.sidekickopen90.com/s3t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7kF8bNR54W54Q1sR2zGCwVN8Jbw_8QsRtKVnxdRT5v0vlYW16gGCF2mF3Cm101?te=W3R5hFj4cm2zwW3P28X24hCPvhW43T4NV3H5H6FW2xRs_J1LzpMzW3K8QFS4fGCs5W3T1k863K9dy9W3T3qBc3K96zXW1hV0BX4hF6zGW3_X4wH4fdb40W1V0MWC24SDVV0&si=8000000006309085&pi=7d74361a-0d1d-43c3-927f-af310589a0bd, or unsubscribehttps://t.sidekickopen90.com/s3t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7kF8bNR54W54Q1sR2zGCwVN8Jbw_8QsRtKVnxdRT5v0vlYW16gGCF2mF3Cm101?te=W3R5hFj4cm2zwW3P28X24hCPvhW43T4P243X5bgW3SYLpP3T1MdZW1LFyV_4hCWypW49M7TJ1Gy80dW3Qzvpc2Mvzw_W3b9XzG3bcDvHW2Pt4r-2TrsKGW34pm2n2vTjFJW2TqDYK32mv0zw2YsLw-77G2&si=8000000006309085&pi=7d74361a-0d1d-43c3-927f-af310589a0bd. Triage notifications on the go with GitHub Mobile for iOShttps://t.sidekickopen90.com/s3t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7kF8bNR54W54Q1sR2zGCwVN8Jbw_8QsRtKVnxdRT5v0vlYW16gGCF2mF3Cm101?te=W3R5hFj4cm2zwW3zfPTB1JwJ3FW3ZV6nw43T4NQW45SVJV45S_37W1GHFsL49KpvtW3GJ69X20XmM2W24Sc8c3FdthCW43X5bg3SYLpPW3T1McG3K6K77W3Zn-ZQ45rX_PW2dPJGw3_YgfvW4flT141X0-Gm0&si=8000000006309085&pi=7d74361a-0d1d-43c3-927f-af310589a0bd or Androidhttps://t.sidekickopen90.com/s3t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7kF8bNR54W54Q1sR2zGCwVN8Jbw_8QsRtKVnxdRT5v0vlYW16gGCF2mF3Cm101?te=W3R5hFj4cm2zwW45RjbS1Jz9RGW3P3n_M3Fbt5SW4cQhLH3JFWKdW45V76R3K9DsyW3Z--x13GPb1kW3_qTPp4fHT3sW1JwHVY49PGkFW1pLjNY29hSKqW3K8Q_Q49pTGlW3_QfJ73_YkBwW3P46kJ2w16ddW3SZ_xh3zhs7SW41n_Fy3zbV8NW1S3_643_QgzDW3H6xvk1mpyScW3_R5921mp67wW4fKWwD43XxswW3JzGX23P28X238FN2&si=8000000006309085&pi=7d74361a-0d1d-43c3-927f-af310589a0bd. You are receiving this because you were mentioned.Message ID: @.***>

SmartCodeMaker commented 2 years ago

@ghowett I uploaded the patch. But something is changed with the images to build the project as even old versions, which were built successfully, are not being built today. I'll check it tomorrow.

Have these changes been made as it look like the docker has not changed?

ghowett commented 2 years ago

Is it trying to get anything fomr a jetnexus/docker or jetnexus/git or are nay repos etc now private etc? I had to pay for any account so maybe that changed something? From: SmartCodeMaker @.> Sent: 08 February 2022 21:54 To: edgeNEXUS/kubernetes-ingress @.> Cc: Greg Howett @.>; Mention @.> Subject: Re: [edgeNEXUS/kubernetes-ingress] When k8 scales ie add new servers to the cluster they are not used (Issue #5)

@ghowetthttps://t.sidekickopen90.com/s3t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7kF8bNR54W54Q1sR2zGCwVN8Jbw_8QsRtKVnxdRT5v0vlYW16gGCF2mF3Cm101?te=W3R5hFj4cm2zwW3P28X24hCPvhW43T4NX3R3cx93bd42&si=8000000006309085&pi=ecfae595-117c-489a-9992-363b0c93e617 I uploaded the patch. But something is changed with the images to build the project as even old versions, which were built successfully, are not being built today. I'll check it tomorrow.

Have these changes been made as it look like the docker has not changed?

- Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHubhttps://t.sidekickopen90.com/s3t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7kF8bNR54W54Q1sR2zGCwVN8Jbw_8QsRtKVnxdRT5v0vlYW16gGCF2mF3Cm101?te=W3R5hFj4cm2zwW3P28X24hCPvhW43T4NV3H5H6FW2xRs_J1LzpMzW3K8QFS4fGCs5W3T1k863K9dy9W3T3qBc3K96zXW1hV0BX4hF6zGW3_X4wH4fdb40W1V196924SDxT0&si=8000000006309085&pi=ecfae595-117c-489a-9992-363b0c93e617, or unsubscribehttps://t.sidekickopen90.com/s3t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7kF8bNR54W54Q1sR2zGCwVN8Jbw_8QsRtKVnxdRT5v0vlYW16gGCF2mF3Cm101?te=W3R5hFj4cm2zwW3P28X24hCPvhW43T4P243X5bgW3SYLpP3T1MdZW1LFyV_4hCWypW49M7TJ1Gy80dW3Qzvpc2Mvzw_W2-m65Q2vNkzsW30lXnQ2CKFHCW2PC_0Z2CGKnNW2TqDYK32mv0zw2YsLw-77G2&si=8000000006309085&pi=ecfae595-117c-489a-9992-363b0c93e617. Triage notifications on the go with GitHub Mobile for iOShttps://t.sidekickopen90.com/s3t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7kF8bNR54W54Q1sR2zGCwVN8Jbw_8QsRtKVnxdRT5v0vlYW16gGCF2mF3Cm101?te=W3R5hFj4cm2zwW3zfPTB1JwJ3FW3ZV6nw43T4NQW45SVJV45S_37W1GHFsL49KpvtW3GJ69X20XmM2W24Sc8c3FdthCW43X5bg3SYLpPW3T1McG3K6K77W3Zn-ZQ45rX_PW2dPJGw3_YgfvW4flT141X0-Gm0&si=8000000006309085&pi=ecfae595-117c-489a-9992-363b0c93e617 or Androidhttps://t.sidekickopen90.com/s3t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7kF8bNR54W54Q1sR2zGCwVN8Jbw_8QsRtKVnxdRT5v0vlYW16gGCF2mF3Cm101?te=W3R5hFj4cm2zwW45RjbS1Jz9RGW3P3n_M3Fbt5SW4cQhLH3JFWKdW45V76R3K9DsyW3Z--x13GPb1kW3_qTPp4fHT3sW1JwHVY49PGkFW1pLjNY29hSKqW3K8Q_Q49pTGlW3_QfJ73_YkBwW3P46kJ2w16ddW3SZ_xh3zhs7SW41n_Fy3zbV8NW1S3_643_QgzDW3H6xvk1mpyScW3_R5921mp67wW4fKWwD43XxswW3JzGX23P28X238FN2&si=8000000006309085&pi=ecfae595-117c-489a-9992-363b0c93e617. You are receiving this because you were mentioned.Message ID: @.**@.>>

SmartCodeMaker commented 2 years ago

@ghowett The repos are okay. There's EOL in CentOS 8 yum mirrors. I changed the URLs and the image has been built successfully.

I found a bug in setting RSs to VSs if another VS previously exists. I'm making a fix right now. And then, we rebuild the image. I'll write back shortly.

ghowett commented 2 years ago

Awesome thanks 😉

From: SmartCodeMaker @.> Sent: 09 February 2022 12:54 To: edgeNEXUS/kubernetes-ingress @.> Cc: Greg Howett @.>; Mention @.> Subject: Re: [edgeNEXUS/kubernetes-ingress] When k8 scales ie add new servers to the cluster they are not used (Issue #5)

@ghowetthttps://t.sidekickopen90.com/s3t/c/5/f18dQhb0S7kF8bNR54W54Q1sR2zGCwVN8Jbw_8QsRtKVnxdRT5v0vlYW16gGCF2mF3Cm101?te=W3R5hFj4cm2zwW3P28X24hCPvhW43T4NX3R3cx93bd42&si=8000000006309085&pi=1b2c1167-5e15-420c-a035-f4ab9fe2c4ae The repos are okay. There's EOL in CentOS 8 yum mirrors. I changed the URLs and the image has been built successfully.

I found a bug in setting RSs to VSs if another VS previously exists. I'm making a fix right now. And then, we rebuild the image. I'll write back shortly.

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SmartCodeMaker commented 2 years ago

@ghowett Published under this path: docker.io/edgenexus/edgenexus-ingress:latest-centos8

Deployment deploy-edgenexus-ic-cloud.yaml always uses that path.

Please feel free to test.

jayatedgenexus commented 2 years ago

@ghowett Correction: I think IP addres of INT_VIP shouldn't be It should correspond to one of IP of IC pod group for balancing, i.e. (corresponds to

And real servers of INT_VIP should be like on the video:

Hello Just want to introduce myself. I am Jay and i am the product manager here. I have a correction to be done regarding the INT_VIP starting with 127, as I think there has been some confusion. The current version sets the INT_VIP to use the last 3 octets of one of the Pods/Real Servers. This is wrong.

We want the INT_VIP to be directly relatable to the INGRESS_VIP. So, if we have a main INGRESS_VIP with IP address The INT_VIP for this should be This makes it much easier for the sysadmin to see which INGRESS_VIP is connected to which INT_VIP. An image is below that shows what I mean. Also, it would be good UX to have the Service Name and Notes as I have shown in the attached image.

Please let me know if you have understood this. Kubernetes ADC INT_VIP

Thanks! Jay.

SmartCodeMaker commented 2 years ago

Hello @jayatedgenexus A pleasure to meet you. I'm checking that and get back to you today shortly.

SmartCodeMaker commented 2 years ago

@jayatedgenexus Do you use -edge-external-ip in deploy-edgenexus-cloud.yaml? If you do, what is the value for that? For example, this is my value -edge-external-ip= when pod IPs are in 10.244.x.x network.

jayatedgenexus commented 2 years ago


That value depends on the customers choice. So they may use for example. In this example the INT_VIP would be But, the choice could be anything the user chooses.

— Warm regards

Jay Savoor Sent from my iPhone

From: SmartCodeMaker @.> Sent: Wednesday, March 2, 2022 12:01:02 PM To: edgeNEXUS/kubernetes-ingress @.> Cc: Jay Savoor @.>; Mention @.> Subject: Re: [edgeNEXUS/kubernetes-ingress] When k8 scales ie add new servers to the cluster they are not used (Issue #5)

@jayatedgenexushttps://github.com/jayatedgenexus Do you use -edge-external-ip in deploy-edgenexus-cloud.yaml? If you do, what is the value for that? For example, this is my value -edge-external-ip= when pod IPs are in 10.244.x.x network.

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/edgeNEXUS/kubernetes-ingress/issues/5#issuecomment-1056850593, or unsubscribehttps://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AX5UHCB4XSV4S75ILRTSX7DU55J75ANCNFSM5NPOXBYQ. Triage notifications on the go with GitHub Mobile for iOShttps://apps.apple.com/app/apple-store/id1477376905?ct=notification-email&mt=8&pt=524675 or Androidhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.github.android&referrer=utm_campaign%3Dnotification-email%26utm_medium%3Demail%26utm_source%3Dgithub. You are receiving this because you were mentioned.Message ID: @.***>

SmartCodeMaker commented 2 years ago

@jayatedgenexus This is the result from the above commit: INT_VIP

The image is being built on CircleCI...

jayatedgenexus commented 2 years ago

Hello The image is fantastic. Really appreciate the very fast turn around. I have one more change to improve user experience, please. I have attached an image with marker pointers. When you create the flightpath rules, we would like the following changes made, please.


Get back to me if you have any questions.

All the best and have a good weekend. Jay

SmartCodeMaker commented 2 years ago

Hello @jayatedgenexus The change is applied to the latest Docker image.

jayatedgenexus commented 2 years ago

Brilliant – thanks will look and test.

-- Warm regards Jay Savoor [Edgenexus Logo]

From: SmartCodeMaker @.> Sent: 07 March 2022 07:22 To: edgeNEXUS/kubernetes-ingress @.> Cc: Jay Savoor @.>; Mention @.> Subject: Re: [edgeNEXUS/kubernetes-ingress] When k8 scales ie add new servers to the cluster they are not used (Issue #5)

Hello @jayatedgenexushttps://github.com/jayatedgenexus The change is applied to the latest Docker image.

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/edgeNEXUS/kubernetes-ingress/issues/5#issuecomment-1060266190, or unsubscribehttps://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AX5UHCFJTT4JWYO2S2IDMFDU6WVBLANCNFSM5NPOXBYQ. Triage notifications on the go with GitHub Mobile for iOShttps://apps.apple.com/app/apple-store/id1477376905?ct=notification-email&mt=8&pt=524675 or Androidhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.github.android&referrer=utm_campaign%3Dnotification-email%26utm_medium%3Demail%26utm_source%3Dgithub. You are receiving this because you were mentioned.Message ID: @.**@.>>