edgedb / edgedb-dart

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Invalid secret key error on running build_runner #43

Open sudormrfbin opened 1 week ago

sudormrfbin commented 1 week ago

Describe the bug When running dart run build_runner build, the process exits with the following error:

InterfaceError: Invalid secret key: FormatException: Invalid character (at character 209)

package:edgedb/src/connect_config.dart 998:5   parseCloudInstanceNameIntoConfig
package:edgedb/src/connect_config.dart 760:13  resolveConfigOptions
package:edgedb/src/connect_config.dart 636:7   parseConnectConfig
package:edgedb/src/client.dart 324:9           ClientPool.getNewConnection
package:edgedb/src/client.dart 49:21           ClientConnectionHolder.getConnection
package:edgedb/edgeql_codegen.dart 109:28      EdgeqlCodegenBuilder.build

Reproduction Create an edgeql file and run build_runner.

Expected behavior .edgeql.dart file is generated without errors.

Versions (please complete the following information):

Additional context I'm using EdgeDB Cloud.

sudormrfbin commented 1 week ago

I can confirm that #42 fixes the issue.