edgedb / edgedb-js

The official TypeScript/JS client library and query builder for EdgeDB
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EdgeDB Auth: Nuxt #864

Open beerose opened 4 months ago

beerose commented 4 months ago

Create and publish an auth helper package for Nuxt.

Related: https://github.com/edgedb/edgedb-js/issues/757

mitjans commented 1 month ago

Hi! I would gladly help develop this. There's currently a Nuxt module for EdgeDB, do you plan on creating a new module entirely for this? Or could you use the existing one?

scotttrinh commented 1 month ago


I think we would publish something less opinionated and standalone, more similar to the existing auth helper libraries that perhaps the nuxt-edgedb module could itself use to power its auth parts.

If you want to take this on, I'd be glad for the contribution! Let me know and I'll assign you and help guide a PR adding it to getting merged.

mitjans commented 1 month ago

What auth helper libraries are you currently using? What would be the desired behavior of this Nuxt Auth Module?

scotttrinh commented 1 month ago


What auth helper libraries are you currently using?

I mean the ones that exist in this monorepo, for instance the Next.js one.

What would be the desired behavior of this Nuxt Auth Module?

Expose an auth class/object that allows you to idiomatically handle the EdgeDB Auth flows so that the consumer of the library mostly has to just add the behavior for when a particular auth ceremony succeeds or fails and can easily respond when a new identity is created. See the behavior of the linked nextjs helper, or any of the other ones (remix, express, sveltekit, etc).

mitjans commented 1 month ago

Thanks! I'll look into the Next.js auth library, see how things are implemented and how they would be ported into Nuxt+Nitro during this week 👍