Open elprans opened 1 month ago
Yeah, it's next that forces NODE_ENV to be development
when running dev server (relevant code).
@scotttrinh, should we skip the insecure
setting in the EdgeDB client setup?
The insecure
setting should NOT actually drop HTTPS altogether. Instead, it should be ignoring TLS errors. The only place where not doing HTTPS makes sense is in frontend code where the browser will get in the way of insecure requests. Backend should always attempt to do HTTPS.
pnpm dev
seems to forceNODE_ENV=development
(at least the app ignores.env
), and so the EdgeDB client ends up with tlsSecurity=insecure, which does not work with Cloud. Not sure if it's a template issue or an edgedb-js issue, but dev flows should work with Cloud out of the box.