edgexfoundry / core-command-go

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imports context: unrecognized import path "context" #13

Open jihwanseo opened 6 years ago

jihwanseo commented 6 years ago


I tried to get it with go get command and this error is triggered :

root@seo:/develop/core-command-go# go get github.com/edgexfoundry/core-command-go package github.com/edgexfoundry/core-command-go imports github.com/edgexfoundry/consul-client-go imports github.com/hashicorp/consul/api imports context: unrecognized import path "context"

my go version is "go1.9.2"

spencerbull commented 6 years ago

After doing some research, I can see that the context package was added back in 1.7, so I'm not sure why you are getting a context package error. Can you try navigating to $GOHOME/src/github.com/edgexfoundry/core-command-go and doing a glide install.

This should pull all of the dependencies needed.