edgexfoundry / edgex-taf

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Support the Infor test process. #842

Closed SavantEVO closed 1 year ago

SavantEVO commented 1 year ago

Hello everybody! I have a problem that I need help with. When performing application service information checks about ping, version, configuration, etc. Application service must register through edgex-consul before swagger app-service https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis-docs/EdgeXFoundry1/app-functions-sdk/2.3.0#/default/get_versioncan be used to perform information checking. I want to know if the flow is like that or not?


Thank you!

cherrycl commented 1 year ago

@cloudxxx8 Could you help this?

cloudxxx8 commented 1 year ago

No, Consul is not necessary for executing ping, version, and config API in App Service.

SavantEVO commented 1 year ago

@cloudxxx8 I have a problem understanding more about app-service. For example, I build an app-service with the name "app-mqtt", so by default, the swagger app-service https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis-docs/EdgeXFoundry1/app-functions-sdk/2.3.0#/default/get_version can be used for ping, version, metric, config, .. will be used for the app-mqtt that I built! Please let me know if is this the default. When I build any other app-service. Thanks a lot!

cloudxxx8 commented 1 year ago

device service and app service are totally different services

cloudxxx8 commented 1 year ago

yes, they are the default API if you build an app-service based on app-functions-sdk, ping, version, metric, config APIs will be available automatically.

SavantEVO commented 1 year ago

@cloudxxx8 I have another problem that I need to know more about device service. Any built device service will have bindings to the core metadata. When a device service is built, it needs to register the device-profile in the core metadata. Please tell me more about this! I found the device service description document in the following link https://nexus.edgexfoundry.org/content/sites/docs/staging/california/docs/_build/html/Ch-DeviceServices.html


I run docker and then check UI about the device-virtual. It has register device-profile

cloudxxx8 commented 1 year ago

it's not a taf specific question. please move your question to the project discussion for more support https://github.com/orgs/edgexfoundry/discussions