edgi-govdata-archiving / ECHO-Cross-Program

Jupyter Notebooks for ECHO that use data from multiple EPA programs
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update map in cell 8 of Cross-Program #123

Open ericnost opened 3 years ago

ericnost commented 3 years ago

Currently cell 8 pulls geo data from ECHO-Geo

import geopandas

if ( program_data is not None ):
    df_to_map = program_data.loc[~program_data.index.duplicated(keep='first')]

    map_of_facilities = mapper(df_to_map)
    if ( region_type == 'State' or region_type == 'Congressional District' ):
        if ( region_type == 'Congressional District' and region_selected is not None ):
            url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/unitedstates/districts/gh-pages/cds/2016/{}-{}/shape.geojson".format( state, str(region_selected))
            map_data = geopandas.read_file(url)
            w = folium.GeoJson(
                name = "EPA Regions",
            ).add_to(map_of_facilities) #m is the map object created to hold the facility points. we want to add this shape object to that map object
        if ( region_type == 'State' ):
            url = "https://github.com/edgi-govdata-archiving/ECHO-Geo/raw/main/states.geojson"
            map_data = geopandas.read_file( url )
            state_data = map_data[ map_data['STUSPS'] == state ]
            w = folium.GeoJson( state_data, name="State" ).add_to( map_of_facilities )

    display( map_of_facilities ) 
    print( "There are no facilities in the region for this data set." )   

This only works for states and congressional districts. To show zip, county, and other geographies, we could just pull from the SBU spatial database!

Frijol commented 2 years ago

It seems to also work for county already!