edgi-govdata-archiving / datavis-projects

Ongoing work on visualizations of coverage & other relevant data.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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GSoC Report for Week of 5/25 - 6/18 #3

Closed Blackglade closed 7 years ago

Blackglade commented 7 years ago

I’m excited to have made progress on D3 Sunburst Model. My main focus for the last couple of weeks was to research different methods of representing the data featured in the Archivers JSON API. After presenting the slack channel with a couple of options, the general direction seemed to agree with me in that the best way would be some sort of sequence sunburst/bilateral model that is parsing data grabbed from the api.

Once that was over, I went to work trying to get the sequence sunburst to work with a JSON format since the original file is example featured in the bl.ocks.org page uses CSV. Once that was done, I started changing modifying the model to work with the Archivers API and accept different inputs from the JSON file.

I worked on the following Issues:

Establishing a design consensus with everyone regarding how it should be displayed Working to convert the model available online to one that works with JSON instead of CSV data. Trying to get most of it to work with D3 v4 instead of D3 v3.

I submitted the following PR’s:

In addition, I reviewed code/commented on issues/learned about X/etc.

Finally, I’m concerned about these upcoming or outstanding issues, which may block progress or impose design constraints: N/A.