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New gh-pages repo for event-specific boilerplate #66

Closed titaniumbones closed 7 years ago

titaniumbones commented 7 years ago

I'd like to set up a gh-pages-only repo to serve as website boilerplate for individual events; event organizers can fork, modify yaml, prune/add as needed, and have an event website ready to go. Some models for what such a website needs to include:

dcwalk commented 7 years ago

Hey, this is being addressed as part of #49. I'm working on a template repo from NYC, but I think we need to see how the "Guides" material will fit in. That is where the "Understanding the IA Web Crawler" and "Seeding" docs are moving, I've done a pass to make them current to our process and they are ready for review: https://github.com/edgi-govdata-archiving/guides/issues

Documentation for the process of adding a guide needs to be cleaned up a bit, but the current docs will be easy to have ready for Friday (<30 mins), just would like review of the content while we are going through this step.

titaniumbones commented 7 years ago

Excellent. If you're up for it, that's amazing. Maybe stay in touch with @nic on datarefuge (from Seattle) and see if we can get it out to orgnaizers of the 24-5 events...

Do you need help from a designer?

titaniumbones commented 7 years ago

(bc if you can use a designer, we should just put out a call on #dev)

dcwalk commented 7 years ago

This is working in draft form:

I'm going to close this issue as completed, event-toolkit stuff will still live in #49 and any specific improvements should go to the Template Repo issues :)