edgraham / GhostKoalaParser

Parser for Ghost Koala
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KEGG-to-anvio #10

Open gingian opened 2 years ago

gingian commented 2 years ago

Hi! I'm trying to import the results from ghostkoala to anvio and I'm following your procedure https://merenlab.org/2018/01/17/importing-ghostkoala-annotations/ but when I arrive at this point: python KEGG-to-anvio --KeggDB KO_Orthology_ko00001.txt \ -i user_ko.txt \ -o KeggAnnotations-AnviImportable.txt I got this error from the terminal: python: can't open file 'KEGG-to-anvio': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

What am I doing wrong?



ellyyuyang commented 2 months ago

KEGG-to-anvio is a command/script gitcloned from this repository. You need to give it the path of this file.