Open bterone opened 3 years ago
@bterone thanks for the detailed bug report. Out of interest, can you try stubbing :erlang.integer_to_binary/2
instead? It seems that Integer.to_string/1..2
is inlined into that function by the compiler.
Hi, thanks for taking your time to respond 😄 , I'm a bit unsure how to copy the :erlang
atom to stub. Do I need some sort of adapter module to stub, or is there some macro that could help me out? 🤔
Hey @bterone. All module names in Elixir and Erlang are atoms. You should just be able to do Mimic.copy(:erlang)
and then stub the function as per usual.
I think in general we want to avoid touching the standard lib.
I guess we could add a validation to copy
to not allow some modules? 🤔
We can probably get all Elixir modules using this:
iex(3)> :application.get_key(:elixir, :modules)
[Access, Agent.Server, Agent, Application, ArgumentError, ArithmeticError,
Atom, BadArityError, BadBooleanError, BadFunctionError, BadMapError,
BadStructError, Base, Behaviour, Bitwise, Calendar.ISO,
Calendar.TimeZoneDatabase, Calendar.UTCOnlyTimeZoneDatabase, Calendar,
CaseClauseError, Code.Formatter, Code.Identifier, Code.LoadError,
Code.Typespec, Code, Collectable.BitString, Collectable.File.Stream,
Collectable.HashDict, Collectable.HashSet, Collectable.IO.Stream,
Collectable.List, Collectable.Map, Collectable.MapSet, Collectable,
CompileError, CondClauseError, Config.Provider, Config.Reader, Config,
Date.Range, Date, DateTime, Dict, DynamicSupervisor, Enum.EmptyError,
Enum.OutOfBoundsError, Enum, Enumerable.Date.Range, ...]}
Not sure about Erlang though
Oh I agree. I just thought it was worth seeing if this fixed it because it may hint at something weird about the compiler inlining.
Hey @bterone. All module names in Elixir and Erlang are atoms. You should just be able to do
and then stub the function as per usual.
Hi @jimsynz, I've tried using Mimic.copy(:erlang)
but it seems to fail when trying to fetch the compile options from that atom as it doesn't exist 🤔
** (Protocol.UndefinedError) protocol Enumerable not implemented for nil of type Atom. This protocol is implemented for the following type(s): HashSet, Range, Map, Function, List, Stream, Date.Range, HashDict, GenEvent.Stream, MapSet, File.Stream, IO.Stream
(elixir 1.11.4) lib/enum.ex:1: Enumerable.impl_for!/1
(elixir 1.11.4) lib/enum.ex:141: Enumerable.reduce/3
(elixir 1.11.4) lib/enum.ex:3473: Enum.filter/2
(mimic 1.5.0) lib/mimic/module.ex:65: Mimic.Module.compiler_options/1
(mimic 1.5.0) lib/mimic/module.ex:43: Mimic.Module.rename_module/2
(mimic 1.5.0) lib/mimic/module.ex:27: Mimic.Module.replace!/1
(mimic 1.5.0) lib/mimic.ex:344: Mimic.copy/1
test/test_helper.exs:4: (file)
When checking that line that was causing the issue
Even modifying the Keyword.get(:options)
to give an empty []
as default has an error when we try to do :compile.forms(forms, compiler_options(module))
on line 43 🤔
** (CaseClauseError) no case clause matching: {:error, [{'erlang.erl', [{{353, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, {:erlang, :adler32, 1}}}, {{359, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, {:erlang, :adler32, 2}}}, {{366, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, {:erlang, :adler32_combine, 3}}}, {{374, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, {:erlang, :append_element, 2}}}, {{518, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, {:erlang, :bump_reductions, 1}}}, {{531, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, {:erlang, :call_on_load_function, 1}}}, {{537, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, {:erlang, :cancel_timer, 1}}}, {{546, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, {:erlang, :cancel_timer, 2}}}, {{602, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, {:erlang, :crc32, 1}}}, {{608, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, {:erlang, :crc32, 2}}}, {{615, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, {:erlang, :crc32_combine, 3}}}, {{629, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, {:erlang, :decode_packet, 3}}}, {{726, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, {:erlang, :delete_element, 2}}}, {{773, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, {:erlang, :display, 1}}}, {{779, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, {:erlang, :display_nl, 0}}}, {{784, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, {:erlang, :display_string, 1}}}, {{790, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, {:erlang, :dt_append_vm_tag_data, 1}}}, {{797, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, {:erlang, :dt_get_tag, 0}}}, {{802, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, {:erlang, :dt_get_tag_data, 0}}}, {{807, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, {:erlang, :dt_prepend_vm_tag_data, 1}}}, {{814, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, {:erlang, :dt_put_tag, 1}}}, {{820, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, {:erlang, :dt_restore_tag, 1}}}, {{826, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, {:erlang, :dt_spread_tag, 1}}}, {{888, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, {:erlang, :exit_signal, 2}}}, {{895, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, {:erlang, :external_size, 1}}}, {{901, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, {:erlang, :external_size, 2}}}, {{908, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, {:erlang, :finish_loading, 1}}}, {{917, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, {:erlang, :finish_after_on_load, 2}}}, {{970, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, {:erlang, :fun_info, 2}}}, {{978, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, {:erlang, :fun_info_mfa, 1}}}, {{987, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, {:erlang, :fun_to_list, 1}}}, {{993, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, {:erlang, :function_exported, 3}}}, {{1067, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, {:erlang, :garbage_collect_message_area, 0}}}, {{1099, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, {:erlang, :get_module_info, 1}}}, {{1157, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, {:erlang, :has_prepared_code_on_load, 1}}}, {{1163, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, {:erlang, :hibernate, 3}}}, {{1171, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, {:erlang, :insert_element, 3}}}, {{1204, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, {:erlang, :iolist_to_iovec, ...}}}, {{1215, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, {:erlang, ...}}}, {{1316, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, {...}}}, {{1322, 2}, :erl_lint, {:bad_module, ...}}, {{1347, 2}, :erl_lint, {...}}, {{1356, ...}, :erl_lint, ...}, {{...}, ...}, {...}, ...]}], [{'erlang.erl', [{{247, 2}, :erl_lint, {:unused_type, {:fun_info_item, 0}}}, {{259, 2}, :erl_lint, {:unused_type, {:seq_trace_info_returns, 0}}}, {{265, 2}, :erl_lint, {:unused_type, {:system_profile_option, 0}}}, {{274, 2}, :erl_lint, {:unused_type, {:system_monitor_option, 0}}}, {{282, 2}, :erl_lint, {:unused_type, {:raise_stacktrace, 0}}}, {{291, 2}, :erl_lint, {:unused_type, {:trace_flag, 0}}}, {{343, 2}, :erl_lint, {:unused_type, {:trace_info_return, 0}}}, {{2119, 2}, :erl_lint, {:unused_type, {:module_info_key, 0}}}, {{2595, 2}, :erl_lint, {:unused_type, {:scheduler_bind_type, 0}}}, {{2699, 2}, :erl_lint, {:unused_type, {:trace_pattern_mfa, 0}}}, {{2717, 2}, :erl_lint, {:unused_type, {:trace_pattern_flag, 0}}}, {{2751, 2}, :erl_lint, {:unused_type, {:cpu_topology, 0}}}, {{3451, 2}, :erl_lint, {:unused_type, {:dst, 0}}}, {{3976, 2}, :erl_lint, {:unused_type, {:memory_type, 0}}}]}]}
(mimic 1.5.0) lib/mimic/module.ex:49: Mimic.Module.rename_module/2
(mimic 1.5.0) lib/mimic/module.ex:27: Mimic.Module.replace!/1
(mimic 1.5.0) lib/mimic.ex:344: Mimic.copy/1
test/test_helper.exs:5: (file)
Not really sure if it's even possible to copy :erlang
. ðŸ’
Trying to stub the
method does not work.Environment
Steps to reproduce
It seems the above test will fail, but if it's for some other method, like
it passes.Not really sure what could be the issue without further investigation. 🤔
EDIT: I'll be more than happy to open an example repo reproducing the issue 😄