edgurgel / poxa

Pusher server implementation compatible with Pusher client libraries.
MIT License
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Prod ready? Poxa vs Soketi #189

Open netlob opened 2 months ago

netlob commented 2 months ago


Im looking for a self host Pusher alternative for a production app with ~20-50k concurrent connections and a few messages per connection per minute. Is Poxa prod ready or would it be better to revive Soketi (as that seems to be abandoned)?

I've currently setup Poxa in our dev environment and it seems to work great, except for some delays in the webhooks which is bearable.


islamsamy214 commented 2 months ago

I dont know if its its good for prod or not I am interested to know actually, but if u in a hurry I think Nats Io, supports WS over HTTP since v2.2 : https://docs.nats.io/running-a-nats-service/configuration/websocket