Closed theinventor closed 10 years ago
We got unlucky :cry: . You are using Elixir 0.13.0 (released 5 hours ago) that depends on Erlang 17.0.
We are updating to Elixir 0.13.0 on the next day probably, but till there you need ~> Elixir 0.12.4
and Erlang R16*
We can close this issue when we get to Elixir 0.13.0 and nobody will hit this error while building from last stable versions.
P.S.: Also, my preferred way to install Erlang and Elixir are: &
You can change Elixir versions whenever you want using exenv
like rbenv, rvm.
Current master is using 0.13.1 and Erlang 17.0!
Hey, I'm brand new to erlang/elixir - setting up a fresh machine to try to build this on;
I did a brew install erlang, got the newest elixir in my path
mix deps.get
<- workedBut then fails on lager;
I don't know if that is a symptom, but doing what it said next got a little further;
Then I'm stuck - I couldn't find anything online about this last error
Any ideas? Feel free to close this if it's too far off topic for this app