edgurgel / verk

A job processing system that just verks! 🧛‍
MIT License
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Scheduled zero arg jobs fail #149

Closed nsweeting closed 6 years ago

nsweeting commented 6 years ago

It appears as though scheduled zero-arg jobs end up getting their [] arg list cast into a {} with the LPUSH command.


defmodule Job do
  def perform do
    IO.inspect "hello"

job = %Verk.Job{class: Job, args: [], queue: "default"}

Currently this results in:

15:02:39.544 [info]  Elixir.Job 13837351251859802746 start
15:02:39.548 [debug] Job failed reason: %ArgumentError{message: "argument error"}
15:02:39.548 [info]  Elixir.Job 13837351251859802746 fail: 5 ms
15:02:39.552 [error] GenServer #PID<0.196.0> terminating
** (stop) :failed
Last message: {:"$gen_cast", {:perform, %Verk.Job{args: %{}, class: "Elixir.Job", enqueued_at: nil, error_backtrace: nil, error_message: nil, failed_at: nil, finished_at: nil, jid: "13837351251859802746", max_retry_count: 25, original_json: "{\"error_message\":null,\"max_retry_count\":25,\"jid\":\"13837351251859802746\",\"class\":\"Elixir.Job\",\"retried_at\":null,\"queue\":\"default\",\"finished_at\":null,\"enqueued_at\":null,\"error_backtrace\":null,\"args\":{},\"failed_at\":null,\"retry_count\":0}", queue: "default", retried_at: nil, retry_count: 0}, #PID<0.197.0>}}
State: nil

And the redis console output:

1518724956.160306 [0] "ZADD" "schedule" "1518724956" "{\"retry_count\":0,\"retried_at\":null,\"queue\":\"default\",\"max_retry_count\":25,\"jid\":\"13837351251859802746\",\"finished_at\":null,\"failed_at\":null,\"error_message\":null,\"error_backtrace\":null,\"enqueued_at\":null,\"class\":\"Elixir.Job\",\"args\":[]}"
1518724957.987005 [0 lua] "LPUSH" "queue:default" "{\"error_message\":null,\"max_retry_count\":25,\"jid\":\"13837351251859802746\",\"class\":\"Elixir.Job\",\"retried_at\":null,\"queue\":\"default\",\"finished_at\":null,\"enqueued_at\":null,\"error_backtrace\":null,\"args\":{},\"failed_at\":null,\"retry_count\":0}"
edgurgel commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the bug report! Yeah this looks wrong 🤔

krasio commented 6 years ago

Looks like this comes from the cjson package used in the lua scripts:> EVAL 'return cjson.encode(cjson.decode(\'{"args": []}\'))' 0

See also https://github.com/mpx/lua-cjson/issues/11#issuecomment-287617268.

Not sure what can be done. 😞

@nsweeting The only workaround I can think of at the moment is to have at least one argument for such jobs even if it's not used.

defmodule Job do
  def perform(1) do
    IO.inspect "hello"

job = %Verk.Job{class: Job, args: [1], queue: "default"}

Not Ideal but better than getting that error.

edgurgel commented 6 years ago

Maybe we could try to "patch" the JSON when decoding? We know that args is an array. I wonder what's the best place to do this...

krasio commented 6 years ago

What about something like this - https://github.com/edgurgel/verk/pull/154?