edhamma / vism

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Both volumes of Bhikkhu N. Nyanatusita's VMM now available as PDFs #2

Open BBBalls opened 7 months ago

BBBalls commented 7 months ago


eudoxos commented 7 months ago

Thank you for letting me know. TBH I don't feel like processing those PDFs (which also contain bunch of Chinese, which I don't read and might be challenge encoding-wise), so I might just put a link to the current electronic edition about those (for those who want a more modern translation, or the scholarship around). What do you think?

Sadhu to Bhikku Nyanatusita for his work.

BBBalls commented 7 months ago

I just wanted to let you know of the PDF release, so you could access it yourself, and it inform your decision making about your project. It was definitely not a demand for your time, energy, or skills.

eudoxos commented 1 week ago

I just wanted to let you know of the PDF release, so you could access it yourself, and it inform your decision making about your project. It was definitely not a demand for your time, energy, or skills.

Hi, sorry I forgot to reply back then, having been in retreats in Thailand. I did not read your link as a demand; your consideration is appreciated. Be well :)