ediarum / ediarum.WEB

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Search does not return search-results #14

Open Kolophonium0 opened 1 week ago

Kolophonium0 commented 1 week ago

I have two ediarum.WEB apis running, one with ediarum.WEB 1.14 and one with ediarum.WEB 2.4.3 the search of the older one does work as intended, the newer one only returns the objects but no search-results for these. I set the kwic width. Do you have any ideas whats going on with this?

MartinFechner commented 1 week ago

In our scenarios the search runs as intended. So, here is some information missing. Are your other API endpoints working correctly?

Kolophonium0 commented 5 days ago

The other endpoints are working fine. Its just the search. The only working combination for the search i found today was eXist-DB:5.2.0 with ediarum.WEB:1.18.3. The newer Versions of ediarum.WEB produced:

err:XPST0017 error found while loading module edwebapi: Error while loading module : Unexpectedly received 3 parameter(s) in call to function 'map:entry()'. Defined function signatures are: map:entry($key as xs:anyAtomicType, $value as item()*) map(*) [at line 1397, column 32]

somehow it doesn't like the .? syntax. With eXist-DB:6.2.0 i dont get this error but no search-results. I tested this with only a base xml file and following appconf:

- <config xmlns="http://www.bbaw.de/telota/software/ediarum/web/appconf">
      <search xml:id="fulltext">  
          <target object="Uebersetzung" xpath="tei:text"/>  
  <object xml:id="Uebersetzung">
              <namespace id="tei">http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0</namespace>
              <label type="xpath">.//tei:titleStmt/tei:title[1]/normalize-space()</label>
              <analyzer class="org.apache.lucene.analysis.standard.StandardAnalyzer"/>
              <text qname="tei:text"/>

Can you share a little bit more about your setup for the newer versions and did you tried to use 6.2.0 within your setup?