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UK Borders Knowledge Transfer #2

Closed benismobile closed 8 years ago

panterz commented 8 years ago
benismobile commented 8 years ago

please provide one or more links next to each tick item above

benismobile commented 8 years ago

https://redmine.edina.ac.uk/projects/ukborders/wiki/Authentication is very brief and does not explain much. Needs to be expanded, Maybe a section on cloning the VM?

panterz commented 8 years ago

Check the links above and the doc is updated for Authentication

benismobile commented 8 years ago


"so do all your db related work and test in the (dev) VM at UoE, and do dump/restore to bring data into the VM`s at Essex"

this could do with some fleshing out

panterz commented 8 years ago

That's JCrone responsibility/section. Any queries should be addressed to him. ok that's fine.

benismobile commented 8 years ago

https://gitlab.edina.ac.uk/ukborders/ukborders_static/tree/master please add a README.md

benismobile commented 8 years ago

would be good to have a deployment diagram. e.g. live / dev staging etc.

panterz commented 8 years ago

Here's the readme one: https://gitlab.edina.ac.uk/ukborders/ukborders_static/tree/ogr

panterz commented 8 years ago

is this not enough?


panterz commented 8 years ago

I've made a diagram. @benismobile you are a collaborator. The reason I am attaching it to the documentation because it needs to be changed soon when UKB becomes live in ESSEX.

benismobile commented 8 years ago

the documentation mentions cloning the VM a few times. Do we have anything on what that means? Or do we just ask Matt?