I would have expected the app to get a new session key with "Creating new session". Yet the app continued to use the original key 'p8p3HrWspe02On5j':
05-14 11:05:45.200 D/CordovaLog(20648): file:///android_asset/www/plugins/overlays/js/ext/pcapi.js: Line 492 : Get items of features with http://dlib-oxgangs.ucs.ed.ac.uk:8000/1.3/pcapi/fs/dropbox/p8p3HrWspe02On5j/features/
Its not clear where the problem lies, with the pcapi or app. But it may be difficult to reproduce, unless we can invalidate tokens more quickly (than the current month).
When debugging a separate problem I noticed I was getting the following object returned using /1.3/pcapi/fs/dropbox/p8p3HrWspe02On5j/features/
This suggests that the stored session is invalid. I noticed in the pcapi log:
I would have expected the app to get a new session key with "Creating new session". Yet the app continued to use the original key 'p8p3HrWspe02On5j':
Its not clear where the problem lies, with the pcapi or app. But it may be difficult to reproduce, unless we can invalidate tokens more quickly (than the current month).