edisionnano / Screenshare-with-audio-on-Discord-with-Linux

A repo trying to gather all info regarding proper screensharing on Discord with Desktop Audio for linux users
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Chromium now supports capture of monitor devices using getDisplayMedia() #28

Closed guest271314 closed 5 months ago

guest271314 commented 7 months ago

The sad part of the story is that Chromium developers deliberately chose to refuse to list or capture Monitor devices on Chromium (see here and here).

See https://issues.chromium.org/issues/40155218.

Some caveats

(Does not have a means capture specific sink inputs, e.g., speech-dispatcher-espeak-ng, and filter other devices; just happens to capture Web Speech API output, not the exclusion of other devices or playback, e.g., Chromium playback in a Tab.)

Tested capturing speechSynthesis.speak() on Chromium Version 123.0.6284.0 (Developer Build) (64-bit) https://gist.github.com/guest271314/baaa0b8d4b034ff4e9352af4f2bbf42c.

edisionnano commented 5 months ago

That's interesting, I should correct the md. The problem with Discord is that you don't want Discord audio in the stream (which the monitor inevitably captures) but it can be useful for other purposes outside Discord Screenshare.

guest271314 commented 5 months ago

I should correct the md.

That's my sole reason for filing this issue. Accurate documentation.

edisionnano commented 5 months ago

I should correct the md.

That's my sole reason for filing this issue. Accurate documentation.

Yeah thank you, I corrected it. The biggest issue remaining now is stereo audio, even if Chromium is forced to capture stereo through getDisplayMedia flags Discord will still downmix it to mono. I have a suspicion that this happens on the client but haven't delved into it.

guest271314 commented 5 months ago

I have not done any audio processing in Discord. We can definitely create and record two (2) channels client side with these constraints using getDisplayMedia() or getUserMedia() when we create a virtual remapped device with AudioWorklet https://github.com/guest271314/MP3Recorder or MediaStreamTrackProcessor https://github.com/guest271314/MP3Recorder/blob/media-capture-transform/MP3Recorder.js

let stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia({
  // We're not going to be using the video track
  video: {
    width: 0,
    height: 0,
    frameRate: 0,
    displaySurface: "monitor"
  audio: {
    suppressLocalAudioPlayback: false,
    // Speech synthesis audio output is generally 1 channel
    channelCount: 2,
    noiseSuppression: false,
    autoGainControl: false,
    echoCancellation: false
  systemAudio: "include",
  // Doesn't work for Tab capture
  // preferCurrentTab: true
edisionnano commented 5 months ago

I have not done any audio processing in Discord. We can definitely create and record two (2) channels client side with these constraints using getDisplayMedia() or getUserMedia() when we create a virtual remapped device with AudioWorklet https://github.com/guest271314/MP3Recorder or MediaStreamTrackProcessor https://github.com/guest271314/MP3Recorder/blob/media-capture-transform/MP3Recorder.js

let stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia({
  // We're not going to be using the video track
  video: {
    width: 0,
    height: 0,
    frameRate: 0,
    displaySurface: "monitor"
  audio: {
    suppressLocalAudioPlayback: false,
    // Speech synthesis audio output is generally 1 channel
    channelCount: 2,
    noiseSuppression: false,
    autoGainControl: false,
    echoCancellation: false
  systemAudio: "include",
  // Doesn't work for Tab capture
  // preferCurrentTab: true

Yeah channelCount: 2 is what I foced, I haven't tried systemAudio or suppressLocalAudioPlayback but I remember verifying that the audio being sent from chrome was indeed stereo by capturing it to a file using JS. Discord receives said stereo stream and makes it mono, or picks one channel I don't remember. What I don't know is if said downmix happens on the client side or server side.

guest271314 commented 5 months ago

Discord receives said stereo stream and makes it mono

What I don't know is if said downmix happens on the client side or server side.

Has to happen in Discord world per the evidence above.

I've only very moderately used Discord Web interface.

edisionnano commented 5 months ago

Discord receives said stereo stream and makes it mono

What I don't know is if said downmix happens on the client side or server side.

Has to happen in Discord world per the evidence above.

I've only very moderately used Discord Web interface.

Yeah it's a Discord thing, I need a way to capture the WebRTC packets to see if it happens on the client but I don't know how

guest271314 commented 5 months ago

You should be able to log all WebRTC statistics in Chrome (and Firefox).

edisionnano commented 5 months ago

You should be able to log all WebRTC statistics in Chrome (and Firefox).

I can check chrome://webrtc-internals/ but there is still a chance the downmix or channel picking happens after that in JS before it gets to the server

guest271314 commented 5 months ago

Why not just exchange SDP in Discord and create your own communication channels.