edit4ever / script.module.zap2epg

zap2epg - EPG grabber for USA/Canada
GNU General Public License v3.0
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What is the definition for epgenre (0, 1, 2)? #19

Closed mathieugouin closed 4 years ago

mathieugouin commented 4 years ago

I looked a bit at your code and it seems related to the way how the genre are parsed. But I don't get the whole picture. Could you explain a bit?
0 = ? 1 = ? 2 = ?


edit4ever commented 4 years ago

Because of the limitation that tvheadend and kodi have in working with genres - this gives you the option to add some color to some of the epg skins in kodi. It works by changing/adding a genre to the list that is supported by kodi/tvheadend - based on the standard they use. You can see some of the original discussion here : https://tvheadend.org/boards/12/topics/25524?r=30657#message-30657

I haven't gone back to see if either side has worked on updates for this. Basically, the three settings give you the option to remap more or less of the genres for a simple color scheme - or none at all. And the option to not change what tvheadend sets for kodi - which usually leaves a broken color scheme.

mathieugouin commented 4 years ago

Ok, thanks for the reply. I can confirm that with default setting of "2", it does not populate the category/genre at all. I have both canadian & US channels. I have confirmed this by looking at the xmltv.xml output.

Normally, it outputs something like: <category lang="en">Children's / Youth programmes</category>

Are you open to pull request? I think I have a working solution. At least for option 2. I'm not fully sure what is the goal of the different mapping style. Hence my original question.

edit4ever commented 4 years ago

Strange - does setting option 1 (Simple) work to generate the genres?

I assume you have Download Extra Details enabled - as that is the only way to get genre info.

And yes - I'm open to PR - I haven't worked on this in quite a bit - so open to updates/fixes.

mathieugouin commented 4 years ago

No, option 1 does not work either. I looked at the code and with current implementation, none of them should work.

That is strange, as I was able with a simple code fix to have the genre without the extra details.

Have a look at the json in the cache. The info is all there ;) See this snippet of one of the json downloaded without the extra details. The interesting portion is the "filter-news"

          "callSign": "CBFTDT",
          "duration": "61",
          "startTime": "2020-01-22T22:59:00Z",
          "endTime": "2020-01-23T00:00:00Z",
          "thumbnail": "p14477611_b_v9_ab",
          "channelNo": "2.1",
          "filter": [
          "seriesId": "SH02763152",
          "rating": null,
          "flag": [
          "tags": [
          "program": {
            "title": "Le téléjournal avec Patrice Roy",
            "id": "SH027631520000",
            "tmsId": "SH027631520000",
            "shortDesc": "Le magazine quotidien de l'information de la région de Montréal.",
            "season": null,
            "releaseYear": null,
            "episode": null,
            "episodeTitle": null,
            "seriesId": "SH02763152",
            "isGeneric": "0"
edit4ever commented 4 years ago

There is no genre information in that data set. That is basic details for an episode. To get genre I for you have to pull the data for the tmsId number.

mathieugouin commented 4 years ago

So you are saying that:

          "filter": [

is not considered genre? Ok, that got me confused... especially with the code that removes 'filter-' and translate it to tvheadend format...