editor-bootstrap / vim-bootstrap

Vim Bootstrap is a generator that provides a simple method of generating a configuration for vim / neovim.
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Neovim with init.lua is faster #388

Open voyeg3r opened 3 years ago

voyeg3r commented 3 years ago

We all know how hard it would be to create a separate neovim exclusive config, but the speed it brings is huge. Neovim now has native Language Server support, treesiter for better syntax.

There is a thread on Reddit on how much faster/or better using init.lua could be: https://www.reddit.com/r/neovim/comments/jfs5sb/initvim_to_initlua_any_advantages/

Personally, I am using a plugin that caches lua plugins, which already are faster than pure vim:

    use {'lewis6991/impatient.nvim', rocks = 'mpack'}   -- faster startup

The plugin manager is packer (written in lua)

Even it took a long time to implement, this solution would be great

avelino commented 3 years ago

I like the idea of generating the configuration for neovim in lua, but how do we implement it within the current (generator) code? Where you don't give us so much trouble to maintain?

@voyeg3r do you have any suggestions? Do you have knowledge in our code base?

cizordj commented 2 years ago

The idea is not bad. However we'd have to implement another generator just for this.

(I don't know this project's codebase but the assumption is logical)

avelino commented 2 years ago

However we'd have to implement another generator just for this.

@cizordj one way to do this would be to abstract the final language that should be generated (viml, lua, etc) and use the template go (programming language used on the server) to generate the output file