editor-js / code

Code Tool for Editor.js 2.0
MIT License
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How can I set language for code? #16

Open nguyentranchung opened 5 years ago

nguyentranchung commented 5 years ago

Ex: php, css, js, ...

3alampro commented 5 years ago

this would be awesome feature to have the ability to set language per snippet and be able to highlight the code with third party tools like highlight.js

ddimitrioglo commented 5 years ago

+1 for this feature!

dimensi commented 5 years ago

Under the hood simple textarea, adding third party syntax highlight like highlight.js not resolve the issue. Need add code editor like codemirror for highlight on input. I think for this better create new block tool or include code editor into current block tool.

dukesx commented 5 years ago

If anyone needs the solution , i have the custom version ready for production , with support for language as seen in below screenshots 😄

2019-05-11_13-53-54 2019-05-11_13-54-25

Update#1 : Works perfectly with language- tag for Prism.js as well , the sent data for language is in format of alias used for prism.js

mmhubcn commented 5 years ago

I have a solution without highlighting the code. I'm a new learner. Here is the code:

 * Build styles

class CodePlus {

    static get toolbox() {
        return {
            icon: '<svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 -1 14 14" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" > <path d="M3.177 6.852c.205.253.347.572.427.954.078.372.117.844.117 1.417 0 .418.01.725. 0 0 1 .56.297c. 0 .612-.432.934-1.216.934-.457 0-.87-.087-1.233-.262a1.995 1.995 0 0 1-.853-.751 2.09 2.09 0 0 1-.305-1.097c-.014-.648-.029-1.168-.043-1.56-.013-.383-.034-.631-.06-.733-.064-.263-.158-.455-.276-.578a2.163 2.163 0 0 0-.505-.376c-.238-.134-.41-.256-.519-.371C.058 6.76 0 6.567 0 6.315c0-.37.166-.657.493-.846.329-.186.56-.342.693-.466a.942.942 0 0 0 .26-.447c.056-.2.088-.42.097-.658.01-.25.024-.85.043-1.802.015-.629.239-1.14.672-1.522C2.691.19 3.268 0 3.977 0c.783 0 1.216.317 1.216.921 0 .264-.069.48-.211.643a.858.858 0 0 1-.563.29c-.249.03-.417.076-.498.126-.062.04-.112.134-.139.291-.031.187-.052.562-.061 1.119a8.828 8.828 0 0 1-.112 1.378 2.24 2.24 0 0 1-.404.963c-.159.212-.373.406-.64.583.25.163.454.342.612.538zm7.34 0c.157-.196.362-.375.612-.538a2.544 2.544 0 0 1-.641-.583 2.24 2.24 0 0 1-.404-.963 8.828 8.828 0 0 1-.112-1.378c-.009-.557-.03-.932-.061-1.119-.027-.157-.077-.251-.14-.29-.08-.051-.248-.096-.496-.127a.858.858 0 0 1-.564-.29C8.57 1.401 8.5 1.185 8.5.921 8.5.317 8.933 0 9.716 0c.71 0 1.286.19 1.72.574.432.382.656.893.671 1.522.02.952.033 1.553.043 1.802. 0 0 0 .26.447c.133.124.364.28.693.466a.926.926 0 0 1 .493.846c0 .252-.058.446-.183.58-.109.115-.281.237-.52.371-.21.118-.377.244-.504.376-.118.123-.212.315-.277.578-.025.102-.045.35-.06.733-.013.392-.027.912-.042 1.56a2.09 2.09 0 0 1-.305 1.097c-.2.323-.486.574-.853.75a2.811 2.811 0 0 1-1.233.263c-.784 0-1.216-.322-1.216-.934 0-.256.07-.47.214-.636a.855.855 0 0 1 .562-.297c.201-.027.344-.056.418-.083.048-.017.096-.06.14-.134a.996.996 0 0 0 .107-.396c.02-.195.031-.502.031-.92 0-.573.039-1.045.117-1.417.08-.382.222-.701.427-.954z" /> </svg>',
            title: 'Code'

    static get contentless() {
        return true;

    static get enableLineBreaks(){
        return true;

        return 'Enter some code';

        return 'Select a format';

    static get DEFAULT_FORMAT_CONFIG() {
        return ['Python', 'Matlab', 'R', 'Javascript', 'C', 'HTML'];

    get CSS() {
        return {
            baseClass: this.api.styles.block,
            wrapper: 'cdx-codeplus',
            input: this.api.styles.input,
            language: 'cdx-codeplus__language',
            textarea: 'cdx-codeplus__textarea'

    }) {
        this.api = api;

        this.textPlaceholder = config.textPlaceholder || CodePlus.DEFAULT_CODE_PLACEHOLDER;
        this.languagePlaceholder = config.languagePlaceholder || CodePlus.DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_PLACEHOLDER;
        this.format = config.format || CodePlus.DEFAULT_FORMAT_CONFIG;

        this.data = {
            language: data.language || '',
            text: data.text || ''

    render() {
        const container = this._make('div', [this.CSS.baseClass, this.CSS.wrapper]);
        const text = this._make('textarea', [this.CSS.input, this.CSS.textarea], {
            contentEditable: true,
            innerHTML: this.data.text
        const selectwrapper=this._make('div',this.CSS.input);
        const language = this._make('select', this.CSS.language);

        text.dataset.placeholder = this.textPlaceholder;
        language.dataset.placeholder = this.languagePlaceholder;

        const format = this.format;

        for (let f in format) {
            let option = document.createElement('option');
            let v = document.createAttribute('value');
            let t = document.createTextNode(format[f]);
            v.value = format[f];

        language.value = this.data.language;

        return container;

    onPaste(event) {
        const content = event.detail.data;
        this.data = {
            text: content.textContent

    save(codeElement) {
        const text = codeElement.querySelector(`.${this.CSS.textarea}`);
        const language = codeElement.querySelector(`.${this.CSS.language}`);
        let index = language.selectedIndex;

        return Object.assign(this.data, {
            text: text.value,
            language: language.options[index].value

    static get sanitize() {
        return {
            language: {},
            text: {}

    _make(tagName, classNames = null, attributes = {}) {
        let el = document.createElement(tagName);

        if (Array.isArray(classNames)) {
        } else if (classNames) {

        for (let attrName in attributes) {
            el[attrName] = attributes[attrName];

        return el;

    static get pasteConfig() {
        return {
            tags: ['pre'],
module.exports = CodePlus;

and the style file:

.cdx-codeplus__textarea {
    min-height: 200px;
    font-family: Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, Courier New, monospace;
    color: #41314e;
    line-height: 1.6em;
    font-size: 12px;
    background: #f8f7fa;
    border: 1px solid #f1f1f4;
    box-shadow: none;
    white-space: pre;
    word-wrap: normal;
    overflow-x: auto;
    resize: vertical;

.cdx-codeplus__language {
    width: 100%;
    cursor: pointer;
    padding-right: 2em;
    border: none;
    background: transparent;
    background-image: none;
    -webkit-appearance: none;
    -moz-appearance: none;
    appearance: none;
    text-indent: 0.01px;
    text-overflow: '';
zhkuskov commented 5 years ago

@dukesx, and where is your solution? Give us the link

utkarshrai003 commented 4 years ago

@dukesx, dude where is the solution for this implementation? Can you please share the link here, would really appreciate it.

dukesx commented 4 years ago

Sorry guys, I have been really busy with other projects. This implementation was actually for my cms project that I made and which went down in flames. Now I am remaking that cms, and I will be using editor.js with same implementation. I will upload the snippet here sometime later when I am out of design phase or you can follow my project "Write Grand CMS" to see updates on what's going on.

palashgupta98 commented 4 years ago

@PolinaShneider any update on this one :-D

dev-juju commented 4 years ago

Hi all,

Check out new CodeBox tool. Has support for multiple languages and multiple themes.

If you use React in your project, the ERR tool might be useful to you. It helps with rendering your saved block data into styled and flexible react components.

PS: I build both tools for use on a project i'm currently working on, so thought others might benefit too. So, any questions feel free to ask directly.


alexiej commented 4 years ago

I've created a codemirror editor.js, with a selection of the code:



There are couple of bugs from editor.js:

I've done with this on the editor.js to modificationsObserver.ts. Now OnChange only raises when there is a real change. https://github.com/alexiej/editor.js/commit/9902f69c7b5aac8ff26ee0e15ad38f13b412001c

paraswaykole commented 4 years ago

I have created a fork from this repo, that lets you select the language code (supported by prismJs). https://github.com/paraswaykole/editor-js-code

siddhuphp commented 4 years ago

If anyone needs the solution , i have the custom version ready for production , with support for language as seen in below screenshots 😄

2019-05-11_13-53-54 2019-05-11_13-54-25

Update#1 : Works perfectly with language- tag for Prism.js as well , the sent data for language is in format of alias used for prism.js

Can you share the code

epndavis commented 4 years ago

I have added a pull request here for this issue which allows the user to add their own language with a custom label

Hydrock commented 1 year ago

I found great solution here https://github.com/calumk/editorjs-codeflask image Codeflask used as an editor

Al3bad commented 7 months ago

Another way to do it is by extending the CodeTool class without touching its core implementation:

import EditorJS from '@editorjs/editorjs'; 
import CodeTool from '@editorjs/code';

// Class Extension
class Code extends CodeTool {
  * Render plugin`s main Element and fill it with saved data
  constructor({ data, config, api, readonly }) {
    super({ data, config, api, readonly });

    if (config.languages !== undefined && config.languages?.length > 0) {
      this.languages = config.languages;

      this.CSS.dropdown = "ce-code__dropdown";

      this.nodes.dropdown = null;

      this.data.language = data.language;

      this.nodes.holder = this.drawView();

  * Create Tool's view
  drawView() {
    // Create the default tool view
    const wrapper = super.drawView();
    const textarea = wrapper.querySelector("textarea");

    // Then, add dropdown menu
    if (this.languages !== undefined && this.languages.length > 0) {
      const dropdown = document.createElement("select");
      dropdown.classList.add(this.CSS.dropdown, this.CSS.input);
      dropdown.value = this.data.language;

      this.languages.forEach((lang) => {
        let option = document.createElement("option");
        option.textContent = lang;

      wrapper.insertBefore(dropdown, textarea);
      this.nodes.dropdown = dropdown;
    return wrapper;

  * Extract Tool's data from the view
  save(codeWrapper) {
    const data = super.save(codeWrapper);
    if (this.languages !== undefined && this.languages.length > 0)
      return {
        language: codeWrapper.querySelector("select")?.value,
    else return data;

// Usage
const editor = new EditorJS({
  holder: 'editorjs', 
  tools: {
    code: {
      class: Code,
      config: {
        languages: ["js", "csharp"]

Here is the css styles for the dropdown menu:

.ce-code__dropdown {
  -webkit-appearance: none;
  -moz-appearance: none;
  -ms-appearance: none;
  -o-appearnance: none;
  appearnance: none;
  margin-bottom: 8px;



