editor-rs / vscode-rust

Rust for Visual Studio Code
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"Cannot format due to syntax errors" on Windows 10 #389

Open Vargnatt opened 5 years ago

Vargnatt commented 5 years ago

Version of VSCode: Latest Version of the extension: Latest. Run in legacy mode. OS: Windows 10 1804

Description: I cannot autoformat code using Alt+Shift+F, though using cargo fmt or rustfmt through command line is fine.

Output of the "Log[Extension Host]" channel:

[2019-01-06 22:17:49.888] [exthost] [error] [kalitaalexey.vscode-rust] provider FAILED
[2019-01-06 22:17:49.888] [exthost] [error] undefined

Output of the "Rust logging" channel:

DEBUG: Legacy Mode Manager: MissingToolsInstallator: getMissingTools(): tools={"racer":"C:\\Users\\MyUser\\.cargo\\bin\\racer.exe","rustfmt":"C:\\Users\\MyUser\\.cargo\\bin\\rustfmt.exe","rustsym":"rustfmt"}
DEBUG: Legacy Mode Manager: MissingToolsInstallator: getMissingTools(): racer's path=C:\Users\MyUser\.cargo\bin\racer.exe
DEBUG: Legacy Mode Manager: MissingToolsInstallator: getMissingTools(): rustfmt's path=C:\Users\MyUser\.cargo\bin\rustfmt.exe
DEBUG: Legacy Mode Manager: MissingToolsInstallator: getMissingTools(): this.missingTools = []
DEBUG: Legacy Mode Manager: CompletionManager: ensureSourceCodeIsAvailable: sources is available
DEBUG: Legacy Mode Manager: CompletionManager: start: enter
DEBUG: Legacy Mode Manager: CompletionManager: start: racerPath="C:\Users\MyUser\.cargo\bin\racer.exe"
DEBUG: Legacy Mode Manager: CompletionManager: start: ENV[RUST_SRC_PATH] = C:\Users\MyUser\.rustup\toolchains\nightly-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc\lib\rustlib\src\rust\src
felipecsl commented 5 years ago

Same issue on MacOS, vscode 1.30.1, extension version 0.4.2