edmundhung / conform

A type-safe form validation library utilizing web fundamentals to progressively enhance HTML Forms with full support for server frameworks like Remix and Next.js.
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Better support for exactOptionalPropertyTypes: true #697

Open jakubmazanec opened 2 months ago

jakubmazanec commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug and the expected behavior

When TypeScript compiler option exactOptionalPropertyTypes is set to true, you cannot pass undefined as a value to an object property that is marked as optional. While IMO very useful option, it can lead to bad DX, because it can cause TypeScript errors:

import {useForm} from '@conform-to/react';

type CustomComponentProps = {
  onSubmit?: Parameters<typeof useForm>[0]['onSubmit'] | undefined;

let CustomComponent = ({onSubmit}: CustomComponentProps ) => {
  let [form] = useForm({
    onSubmit // error here, because `onSubmit` prop can be `undefined`

 // rest of the component

I therefore prefer that "input" types (like function parameters, properties in options objects, etc.) have explicit undefined added to them; e.g. here I would like to have this:

export type FormOptions<
    Schema extends Record<string, any> = any,
    FormError = string[],
    FormValue = Schema,
> = BaseFormOptions<Schema, FormError, FormValue> & {
     * A function to be called before the form is submitted.
    onSubmit?: ((
        event: FormEvent<HTMLFormElement>,
        context: ReturnType<
            BaseFormContext<Schema, FormError, FormValue>['submit']
    ) => void) | undefined; // here I added explicit `undefined` to the type ⚠️

Would it be possible to add undefined to all input types? Thank you.

Conform version


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