edo9300 / edopro

A script engine for "yu-gi-oh!" and sample gui (former "ygopro")
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Feature: Save Server List filter settings to system.conf, add reset button to server browser to clear filter settings #223

Closed lain-core closed 2 years ago

lain-core commented 2 years ago

This necessitates the addition of a String to Strings.conf, 2088: Save server filter, as seen on game.cpp:683 where I've placed the button. I didn't include this in the PR because the Strings.conf in the repo is about 10K shy of the one that comes bundled with the binaries (I spoke with @DyXel on discord briefly about this), and I figure you guys will want to place it somewhere in the larger file. I'm also piggy-backing String 1309: Reset, but that one is already in there.

Also adds the following to System.conf:

filterAllowedCards = 0
filterForbidden = 0
#Team count from 1 to 3
filterTeam1Count = 0
filterTeam2Count = 0
#Best of from 1 to 100
filterBestOf = 0
filterRelayDuel = 0
filterLocked = 0
filterActive = 0
filterString = 

I've added a checkbox to settings for those who wish to disable it, a reset button to clear your filters quickly, and have it save the Scope, Forbidden list, Team 1/2 Size, Best of count (up to 100), Relay duel/Active Rooms/Locked toggle, and the string that the user enters into system.conf. Let me know if anything needs some style massaging or extra work!

lain-core commented 2 years ago

I've tested this on Win10 21H2 building w/ VS2019, please let me know if there are problems on other platforms as well (I've not dealt with std;:wstrings in the past before).

lain-core commented 2 years ago

Hey, it has been a while. Is there anything that needs doing on my side for a merge?