edoddridge / aronnax

An idealised isopycnal model that can be run either with n+1/2 layers, or with n layers and variable bathymetry.
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Periodic boundary conditions #202

Closed navidcy closed 6 years ago

navidcy commented 6 years ago

Can I run the n-layer mode with periodic boundary conditions in one of the horizontal dimensions?

navidcy commented 6 years ago

Reading this: http://aronnax.readthedocs.io/en/latest/running_aronnax.html#wetmaskfile I figure out that you can do periodic only in one direction. But perhaps you should mention something along these lines where you write the equations that the model solves...

edoddridge commented 6 years ago

By default it's actually periodic in both horizontal directions regardless of which physics or solver is being used. To make it periodic in only one direction you need to specify a wetmask with a wall along one edge.

That paragraph is meant to explain how to make the domain not periodic by putting a wall along two of the edges (either the northern or southern to block meridional flow, and either the east or west to block zonal flow).

edoddridge commented 6 years ago

@navidcy - unless you have additional comments, I'll close this issue in favour of #203.