edoddridge / aronnax

An idealised isopycnal model that can be run either with n+1/2 layers, or with n layers and variable bathymetry.
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Minor equations typos/inconsistencies #213

Closed navidcy closed 5 years ago

navidcy commented 5 years ago
  1. I believe there is a sign error in https://github.com/edoddridge/aronnax/blob/ed9500fc59cd49d4a1f762963a94eea8f96a604d/docs/aronnax_model.rst#L63 Ιt should read +(f+ζ_n) x v_n.

  2. ζ_n should be defined.

  3. After equation (1.2), why g'=(ρ2-ρ1)/ρ1. Eq. (1.2) refers to any layer n.

  4. In equations (1.2) and (1.3) term F_n appears once divided by ρ_0 and once not.

edoddridge commented 5 years ago

Thanks @navidcy! I'm just about to open a PR with fixes.

  1. Absolutely. That is a mistake.

  2. Yep. I just noticed that there are a few other variables there that should also be defined.

  3. An oversight. Should be g' = g*(rho_{n+1} - rho_{n})/rho_{0}

  4. Another mistake. They should both be divided by rho_{0}.