edoddridge / aronnax

An idealised isopycnal model that can be run either with n+1/2 layers, or with n layers and variable bathymetry.
MIT License
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Docker image for easy installation #221

Open braaannigan opened 5 years ago

braaannigan commented 5 years ago

Can there be a docker image that one can pull with everything installed?

edoddridge commented 5 years ago

That's a good idea. I'll set up a docker file that follows master.

edoddridge commented 5 years ago

@braaannigan - do you have any experience trying to run MPI applications inside docker images?

I've set one up, but am struggling to get the model to run, since docker images automatically log users in as root and openmpi complains bitterly about that.

braaannigan commented 5 years ago

Reading around it seems that running MPI on docker is tricky - it may be that singularity is built more with this in mind: https://singularity.lbl.gov/docs-hpc

braaannigan commented 5 years ago

Might need to ask around about this...