edorian / php-coding-standard-generator

Create your own phpmd and phpcs.xml ruleset files and edit them in place. PHPMD is stable - PHPCS support is in alpha
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Front End Themed #2

Closed hparton closed 10 years ago

hparton commented 10 years ago

Hey there!

I'm a Front End Developer who was a bit bored.

I was sitting in your PHP coding standards talk at PHPNW, i went with my company and i know next to nothing about PHP, so i sat at the back and started working on this as soon as you offered for someone to update the look of it.

Ill attach an image of what the site will look like, i have only touched the front-end files although i took a look at the internals and go scared with the amount of variables/functions. (Image is from an early Photoshop concept so final product is a bit different)

Feel free to dig through what i have changed to verify its all still working!

Cheers -Harry


edorian commented 10 years ago

This looks incredible!

Thank you so much :) Once I'm back home I look into merging it.