edouardoyallon / scatwave

ScatWave is a Torch implementation of scattering using CUDA
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Segfault from my_2D_fft_complex #14

Closed olivierhenaff closed 6 years ago

olivierhenaff commented 6 years ago

Good morning!

I tried running the minimal example:

scatwave = require 'scatwave' x=torch.FloatTensor(128,3,32,32) scat = scatwave.network.new(3,x:size())

but unfortunately I get a segfault at the last line. I tracked down the problem, and found that it was happening when this function calls

filters_bank.morlet_filters_bank_2D(U0_dim,J,self.fft) (line 28 of network_2d_translation.lua)

and that the problem with this function is performing

fft.my_2D_fft_complex(psi) (line 114 of filters_bank.lua)

Sure enough, you mention that the following line

fftw.C'fftwf_execute' (line 163 of wrapper_fft.lua)

can cause a segfault. Is there a way to make it not segfault?

Thanks a bunch for your time,


edouardoyallon commented 6 years ago


I guess there is an issue with the setup of fftw.. You will have to check the wrapper..

However, this is unfortunately an obsolete version of the scattering transform. Please switch to the pytorch version, which is quite more faster and simpler to use and understand, I will not maintain this package.. I let it here for legacy purpose.



Best, EO

olivierhenaff commented 6 years ago

Great, I'll look into that.

Thanks a bunch!
