edreamleo / NTHS-Reunion

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Cyndi will pay Bob $100 for the previous mailing list #13

Closed edreamleo closed 6 years ago

edreamleo commented 8 years ago

Cyndi will pay Bob Gross $100 for the mailing list for the 40th reunion.

At first, Cyndi thought that the entire committee should approve the $100, but on second thought she saw that the mailing list would save her at least $100, so that in essence paying you $100 would not change the ticket price.

In short, she said to give you the go ahead. She'll pay you $100 for the list, probably with a check. I want to emphasize here that this will not affect ticket prices in any way because the mailing list will save Cyndi at least $100.

Here are the stats for the previous mailing list: out of 1,229 grads, there are 199 confirmed email addresses and 74 Facebook members (there are some classmates in both lists). We also have 154 deceased classmates so far.

edreamleo commented 8 years ago

Here is a recent email from Bob, containing the actual spreadsheet, sent to both me and Cyndi. The email shows the amount of his work and attention to detail. It should be obvious that this is well worth $100, and that it will likely decrease ticket prices, not increase them.

​QQQQQ [Email begins]

Thank you for agreeing to the $100 stipend for this list. I just want to give you some clues as to how it's set up:

We had 1,229 graduates in 1967. We were the last undivided class until 1982 when New Trier-East and New Trier-West 10 merged again. Now all students go to the New Trier-West campus for freshman year, and then transfer to New Trier (formerly "East') for the rest of high school.

There were about 10 Class of 1968 New Trier East and West students who took enough summer school to graduate in 1967. These are notated on the spreadsheet and are not considered members of the Class of 1967 for reunion purposes.

Likewise, there are a few more from the Class of 1966 who did not graduate on time and their diplomas read 1967. They are notated on the spreadsheet and are not considered members of the Class of 1967 for reunion purposes.

There are a few more members on the list who attended one of New Trier Township's junior high schools, or transferred out of New Trier and did not get a diploma from New Trier. These students are more than welcome to attend NT67 reunions to see their old friends. I do the same thing with Senn High School'67 in Chicago myself.

A number of classmates have already responded and are listed as having "no interest" in our 50th reunion. Some are students who transferred in for their senior year only from military families (Fort Sheridan Army or Great Lakes Submarine Base), or were juvenile refugees of religious persecution, or children of Baha'i missionaries in transit through the big Wilmette Temple. Others just don't want to come. Please do not bother these people with invitations or other inquiries about the reunion.

There are about 150 deceased members known so far. In 2007, reunion attendees reported 2 more classmates who had just died the week of the reunion. This list will grow, but hopefully not by that much.

There is one transgender student. I think he should be listed by his current female name unless you call her first and ask how she wants to be identified in any printed material.

I've been updating the mailing list for 9 years, but more aggressively over the past few months. I just got 2 more responses this morning. I will forward all further name, address, email updates and death notices to you.

Make sure you talk to Renee Mosley, (847) 784-2667, mosleyr@newtrier.k12.il.us, at the NT Alumni Office to update the listing I placed for our reunion. Don't worry, Renee uses the date of January 1, 2017 for reunions whose dates have not been set yet. Once you set the day, Renee can also arrange campus tours the morning of the reunion.

"GC" in column K represent the 1963 graduates of Glencoe's Central junior high school, who became NT67ers. GC' refers to eight graders who did not attend or did not graduate New Trier. The GC'63 reunion committee got me started with the emails they had, and I reciprocated by helping them locate their lost alumni.

"FB" in column K means the person joined the "New Trier 1967 Reunion" page on Facebook. I still don't have email addresses for some of them, and if no email address is listed means Facebook is the only way I know to reach them. There are 75 Facebook members who've joined the Reunion page so far. What do you want me to do with it? I can continue to approve new members or do with it whatever you want.

Bold font in green in Column "I" means it is a confirmed email address.

Regular font email addresses in Column "I" are the last known email addresses for classmates who did not respond. These came from the 2015 New Trier Alumni Yearbook.

Blank email addresses in Column "I" means that emails I sent to the addresses I got from the 2015 New Trier Alumni Yearbook came back as undeliverable.

Black bold font in any of the other columns refers to new name, address or phone number information I've derived since 2007.

The email address column "I" is a work in progress, but the snail mail addresses and phone numbers should be pretty usable.

We had a few classmates in hospice or nursing homes in 2007, and may have more now. So far as I know, Stromayer and Puri are probably still alive. In addition to any invitation you send, send a note to the facility to make sure the patient and his family hear about the reunion. Nancy Stromayer cried when she met me saying that the reunion was the first time her husband had looked forward to anything since his stroke.

When the reunion is over, please send Rene Mosley at the New Trier Alumni Office a copy of the final mailing and deceased lists. She will put them on file for anyone wanting to do our 55th or 60 reunions. PLEASE SEND ME A FINAL COPY TOO, so I can update my list. In 2007, the Reunion Team promised to send me a list, or the envelopes themselves, of invitations that were returned "address unknown" or "forwarding order expired," but didn't.

Lastly, in 2007 we had 294 preregistered attendees at the reunion. Someone put a notice the week of the reunion in the Tribune and the Hollister papers. 94 more unregistered classmates showed up at the Renaissance Hotel and paid for tickets at the door. Unfortunately, they did not have 94 extra T-shirts and alumni directories to hand out. I gave Jim Stromayer my T-shirt. He had preregistered but arrived late and the T-shirts were gone by the time he and is wife showed up. Consider putting a last minute post in the papers again. It was a big hit!

That's enough for now. Call or e-me anytime, Bob (207) 582-0225 or cell (207) 441-1382

QQQQQ [Email ends]