edrosten / libblepp

Modern clean C++ Bluetooth Low Energy on Linux without the Bluez DBUS API
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Is libblepp based on libbluetooth / GPL? #51

Closed alexe100 closed 4 years ago

alexe100 commented 4 years ago

Hi ! I am looking for a way to implement BLE scann using linux and I found libblep whch is excellent for my problem. As far as I know, libbluetooth (from ) is based on D-Bus APIs, right? You are saying that libblepp does not uses D-Bus. Does this means that libblepp is self contained (does not uses any other libraries success as libbluetooth.so or libbluetooth.h)?

My problem is: AFAIK libbluetooth.so and libbluetooth.h are GPL. libblepp is not? So if I use libblepp for my listenning linux program should I release program under GPL? Can I release it as closed source?

Thanks a lot Alex

edrosten commented 4 years ago

Most of the normal bluetooth stuff is dbus based. My library doesn't use dbus. I do use bits of libbluetooth, so both me and you are stuck with the GPL.

alexe100 commented 4 years ago

Great! just to clarify