edsky / aliyun_dns

MIT License
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Allow consumers of the library to opt out of native-tls #1

Open xen0n opened 11 months ago

xen0n commented 11 months ago

Currently the Cargo.toml pulls in reqwest with default features enabled, which means native_tls is pulled in, hence an OpenSSL for any Linux target, while the user should be in control of reqwest's other features. A closed issue of reqwest pointed me to this library.

This complicates downstream programs that are benefiting from e.g. simple cross-compilation to x86_64-unknown-linux-musl, and not having elaborated cross-compilation sysroot setup. For example, I just had to add Aliyun support to my acmed-dns-helper-dnspod project (the name is no longer accurate), and my static musl builds broke due to this.

As it's impossible to override this without forking the project (see the StackOverflow answer), could you consider minimizing used features and releasing a patch version?

edsky commented 10 months ago


x86_64-unknown-linux-musl 编译可以直接用openssl的vendored模式,不用修改任何东西,只需要你依赖就可以了 添加以下行到你的依赖即可

openssl = { version = "0.10", features = ["vendored"] }


xen0n commented 10 months ago


x86_64-unknown-linux-musl 编译可以直接用openssl的vendored模式,不用修改任何东西,只需要你依赖就可以了 添加以下行到你的依赖即可

openssl = { version = "0.10", features = ["vendored"] }



edsky commented 10 months ago


xen0n commented 10 months ago


仿照 reqwest 处理即可


理想情况是当一个人选用 rustls 时,依赖图中就没有 openssl;反之亦然。能这样且使用姿势与 reqwest 类似就最好了。