edsu / pymarc

process MARC records from Python
251 stars 99 forks source link

License #140

Closed jayvdb closed 4 years ago

jayvdb commented 4 years ago

setup.py says "BSD License" but I can not find anything more precise that this.

Which license is this repository? Could you create a LICENSE file so that tools can automatically detect the license.

Wooble commented 4 years ago

It does link to https://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php which is explicitly the 2-clause BSD license but I agree it's probably a good idea to have a LICENSE file in the repo itself.

jayvdb commented 4 years ago

Thanks. I am packaging this at https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/home:jayvdb:py-new/python-pymarc , and it is otherwise good, but I know the maintainers will complain about the license.

edsu commented 4 years ago

I'd be open to changing it to another open source license if it makes it easier to package up. I'll add the LICENSE file to make things more explicit.

jayvdb commented 4 years ago

It can be any OSI license, as long as it isnt ambiguous. And the LICENSE file is the critical bit, because packaging tools put that file in a different directory than the README. In rpm .spec files, there is a %doc macro and a %license macro, and in openSUSE the policy is now that both are required.

edsu commented 4 years ago

Does this need to be on PyPI or will GitHub suffice for now?

jayvdb commented 4 years ago

GitHub is fine. Thanks so much.

edsu commented 4 years ago

@jayvdb Thank you!

jayvdb commented 4 years ago

Submitted for inclusion into openSUSE main repos https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/720333