Closed markxbaker closed 2 months ago
This is because of the slippage model. Calling sell_all_shares is not forcing all shares to be sold, but instead has the slippage model applied, so the position is never fully exited.
I will make a fix to the slippage model for this. In the meantime, you can remove the usage of the slippage model.
Hi, been testing this out, looks awesome but am struggling with a few things, can't seem to get the exit conditions working or the stop loss unless I calculate the percentage?
When I run the below it only takes one trade!?
Am prob being a bit dense and apologise I'm advance, but there a lots of crosses that occur so unsure why? Please help!
Enable data source caching for YFinance
Set the ticker for backtest (simplified to use one ticker)
tickers = 'AAPL'
Set up YFinance data source
yfinance = YFinance()
Define indicators
def sma_indicator(data, period): return talib.SMA(data.close, timeperiod=period)
def atr(data, period=10): atr = talib.ATR(data.high, data.low, data.close, timeperiod=period) return atr
Define a dictionary for indicators
indicators = { 'sma_short': pybroker.indicator('sma_short', lambda data: sma_indicator(data, 10)), 'sma_long': pybroker.indicator('sma_long', lambda data: sma_indicator(data, 20)), 'ATR_10': pybroker.indicator('ATR_10', lambda data: atr(data, 10)), }
Backtest configuration
config = StrategyConfig( initial_cash=100_000, fee_mode=FeeMode.PER_SHARE, fee_amount=0.02,
Execution function
def exec_fn(ctx): sma_short = ctx.indicator('sma_short') sma_long = ctx.indicator('sma_long') atr_10d = ctx.indicator('ATR_10')
Set up strategy and run backtest
strategy = Strategy(yfinance, '3/1/2010', '05/9/2024', config) strategy.add_execution(exec_fn, tickers, indicators=list(indicators.values())) strategy.set_slippage_model(RandomSlippageModel(min_pct=0.01, max_pct=0.02))
Run backtest
result = strategy.backtest(warmup=200, calc_bootstrap=True) result.metrics_df