edtechre / pybroker

Algorithmic Trading in Python with Machine Learning
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Add cababillity to pickle the Portfolio object and then reuse it for incremental backtests or live trading #68

Closed Pirat83 closed 11 months ago

Pirat83 commented 1 year ago

Hi @edtechre,

I am currently adding live trading capabilties to pybroker. So far it works quite well. One thing that would make my life easier, would be the capability to externalize the Portfolio. Currenlty it is created in the walkforward method and there is no clean way to provide it from a SQL database or an object storage / file system, etc...

It would be a benefit if we could pickle the Portfolio and on the next trading iteration run a backtest / trade method with the previosly unpickled Portfolio. In this way we would also gain incremental backtest capability, which is also one of my goals. So if someone runs a complicated backtest or runs many of them, this persion could simply save the Portfolio and then reuse it on the next trading interation without executing all the past trades again and again.

For now I have extended the Strategy class and override the methods where necessary. This works but is not a very clean way to do it. The benefit of this approach is, that it will be easier to integrate code changes from upcomming pybroker releases.

So currently the Portfolio is created here: https://github.com/edtechre/pybroker/blob/2e770a55e45e044ed87aa4f7d5be659ce88c1582/src/pybroker/strategy.py#L1203. My suggestion would be to add an optional parameter to Strategy or StrategyConfig where we could simply pass an existing unpickled Portfolo to the Strategy. The Portfolio then could be a field of the Strategy class. From what I have seen so far this should work - correct me please if I am wrong or missed something... Also a method called get_portfolio that can be overridden could be an less cleaner option. But i personally prefere the fist sollution.

Also this place https://github.com/edtechre/pybroker/blob/2e770a55e45e044ed87aa4f7d5be659ce88c1582/src/pybroker/strategy.py#L1228 would need an additional method like save_portfolio wich can do nothing until it is overridden in a subclass.

If you are interested I can share my progress and we can togeather add life trading capabilities to pybroker.

Pirat83 commented 1 year ago

I have thougth about this 5 min longer. The save_portfolio and get_portfolio methods that can be overridden are not a good design. The handler based approach in pybroker is much more elegant. So i would suggest to add an set_portfolio_handler method that givs access to the portfolio after each trading interation - like here with the position size handler: https://www.pybroker.com/en/latest/notebooks/4.%20Ranking%20and%20Position%20Sizing.html#Setting-Position-Sizes Composition is much more elegant then inherence.

edtechre commented 1 year ago

Thank you @Pirat83, I will add this functionality in the next release.

Pirat83 commented 1 year ago

Hi @edtechre - Thank you very much.

I would open an other ticket when I know what is also required for live trading. For now I just see a set-order_handler that is triggered when an Order is added to the Portfolio and a Session on the Strategy level like the Session on ExecutionContext now. But my prototype is not mature enough for now.

skywolf123 commented 11 months ago

Thank you @Pirat83, I will add this functionality in the next release.谢谢,我会在下一个版本中添加此功能。

Do you mean that the next version will add live trading functionality?

Pirat83 commented 11 months ago

No this part is much more complicated and I am working on that.

The next steps are incremental Bracktesting and reusing an existing Portfolio, which both prerequisite for live trading.

edtechre commented 11 months ago

Hi @Pirat83,

To clarify, are you already able to pickle a Portfolio object without any issues? And you just need a handle to access the portfolio instance after completing a backtest?

Pirat83 commented 11 months ago

Hi @edtechre

yes I execute an incremental backrest every night. Then I store the portfolio in my DB and reuse it the next day.

The only thing where users need to take care is to not reuse the Portfolio in overlapping backtest intervals, because then trades are executed twice and the stats are messed up.

edtechre commented 11 months ago

Hi @Pirat83,

So i would suggest to add an set_portfolio_handler method

To clarify, you also want a way to pass a Portfolio object to a Strategy?

Pirat83 commented 11 months ago

Hi @edtechre - yes this would be of great benefit.

edtechre commented 11 months ago

Hi @Pirat83,

I propose just adding an optional portfolio argument to the backtest and walkforward methods. There is no need for a handler or attribute since the Portfolio instance will have its state updated. You will then be able to serialize the updated Portfolio.

Pirat83 commented 11 months ago

Hi @edtechre, thank you very much for your effort.

Adding an optional portfolio parameter to the backtest and walkforward methods would be enough for the first step.

The idea behind a portfolio_handler was to be able to grab the Portfolio and the metrics after each candle. So I could execute one backtest for the entire year and save the metrics and the Portfolio after each trading day (or trading iteration). This is usefull when people want to evaluate the Strategy in different market conditions. I.e. a Strategy that works good in trending markets. If we are in ranging market conditions, I could compare the Strategy metrics with a benchmark and then swich to an other Strategy, that is better suited for ranging markets.

In the end I can also use https://github.com/edtechre/pybroker/issues/51 and do incremental backtesting every trading iteration and then save the metrics and the Portfolio and the metrics.

So if you want to add a method where people can grab the Portfolio after each trading iteration and store the Portfolio and the metrics in a database this would be an easy way to achive this. The approach described in https://github.com/edtechre/pybroker/issues/51 is more error prone, because you have to calculate the exact candle where the portfolio needs to continue trading (and then substract the warmup period from it). It lags of usebility and is error prone but it does also work.

Thank you very much for this feature.

edtechre commented 11 months ago

I have added an optional portfolio argument to the backtest/walkforward methods in the dev branch. The change is targeted for v1.1.31

The idea behind a portfolio_handler was to be able to grab the Portfolio and the metrics after each candle. So I could execute one backtest for the entire year and save the metrics and the Portfolio after each trading day (or trading iteration).

Instead of having a dedicated portfolio_handler, I would suggest two alternatives:

  1. Use ExecContext._portfolio in your execution to capture Portfolio metrics. Or
  2. Extend Portfolio and override capture_bar, adding your own logic to save metrics after they are calculated.

Closing this ticket for now. If neither of the above work for your use case, then please re-open.

Pirat83 commented 11 months ago

Can't wait for it:-) Thank you very much.

tsunamilx commented 8 months ago

Hi @Pirat83 / @edtechre , can you give some hints on how to add live trading capabilities? I dont mean to add native support for live trading, I just need to know a way to do so.

The idea is that once a live bar is closed, I run the strategy, and if it gives a buy/sell signal, I call brokers/exchanges and place orders, right?

What I understand is that I will basically write some execution functions for my strategy logic (e.g. compare some indicators and generate buy/sell signals), but how can I reuse the execution function logic to run live trading?

I am new and eager to learn this lib, any suggestions would be much appreciated!

SW4T400 commented 1 week ago

@Pirat83 or anyone else. Has someone continued to develop any live trading code (even snippets/ideas) for pybroker?

Pirat83 commented 1 week ago

Hi @SW4T400

This is what I have. It is my first step and has multiple issues, which I can describe later.

So just take it as an inspiration and prototype

I am currently working on a more robust version that should work better.

Do not use my code in production!!!

So how does it work

1) We have an Algo class that inherits from Strategy

Also caching is not required for me, because I have a TimescaleDatasource that fetches me adjusted prices from Alpaca and so I can fill missing data and resample it with SQL. Also I assume that there are some bugs in Pybroker with invalidating the cached data when using it multiple times on multiple different intervals and multiple different time frames in parallel . But that's okay since Pybroker was never build in to execute the trades and caching is one of the hardest things in software architecture and computer science. I stopped investigating the cache issues later and Timescale DB has become my first level cache.

2) We have an ExecutableStrategy class that inherits from Strategy

The ExecutableStrategy class will retrieve these parameters:

Overriding Pybroker's walkforward should not be needed since this issue is fixed now. Great work :+1: When I implemented this I really got headake because overriding it is highly error prone.

I have also overridden the _place_sell_orders and _place_buy_orders. They simply call the same method in super() and also my synchronize_portfolio() method.

The synchronize_portfolio method takes Pybrokers Orders from the TestResult and tries to execute them with Alpaca. Also the sate is saved then in the database again, so when the next candle is executed. Then It can be restored from there.

This is why it is just a prototype, and you should not use my code with your money.

Orders can be partially filled, rejected, cancelled by the broker, they can expire. And also not getting filled. In a Pandas Dataframe we always get our full quantity in reality things get a little bit harder.

3) We have the AlgoTrader class

So the AlgoTrader class has 2 main purposes.

My next iteration will run completely in UTC timezone like Alpaca does. Using only New York timezone might be also an easier option. But since Pybroker removes and adds the timezone multiple times in internal code and I needed to override methods I had to deal with it. Also those methods were never intended to be overridden. So it is okay from a software design perspective. But if you decide to do it - then you have to deal with the consequences :-)

So that's it what I have :-) Feel free to take it as an prototype BUT DO NOT USE IT IN PRODUCTION"

import logging
import os
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, time
from typing import Dict, Union, Optional, Iterable, Tuple

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pytz
from alpaca.data import TimeFrameUnit
from alpaca.trading import TradingClient
from pandas import Series, DataFrame
from pybroker import Strategy, Day, TestResult
from pybroker.cache import CacheDateFields
from pybroker.common import to_datetime, verify_date_range, to_seconds
from pybroker.context import ExecResult
from pybroker.data import DataSource
# noinspection PyProtectedMember
from pybroker.data import _parse_alpaca_timeframe as parse_alpaca_timeframe
from pybroker.portfolio import Portfolio
from pybroker.scope import StaticScope, PriceScope, PendingOrderScope

from valkyrie.algo.algo_parser import Algo
from valkyrie.postgres import get_cursor

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _get_trading_state(algo_id: str, version_id: str):
    with get_cursor() as cursor:
        # If we instantiate ExecutableStrategy, the latest Portfolio is loaded from the database.
        # Here arises a problem, when we trade overlapping time intervals during multiple instantiations / restarts, 
        # The same Portfolio is traded multiple times, and therefore we have multiple orders and trades
        # this corrupts the Portfolio object.
        # So we should make sure that only incremental time intervals are traded or delete the portfolio.
        query = f"""
        SELECT portfolio, session FROM algo_trading WHERE algo_id = %(algo_id)s AND version_id = %(version_id)s 
        cursor.execute(query, vars={'algo_id': algo_id, 'version_id': version_id})
        binary: Dict = cursor.fetchone()

        import pickle
        portfolio = pickle.loads(binary['portfolio']) if binary is not None else None
        session = pickle.loads(binary['session']) if binary is not None else {}
    return portfolio, session

def print_data_frame(data: Union[Series, DataFrame]):
    with pd.option_context('expand_frame_repr', False, 'display.max_rows', None, 'display.max_columns', None):

class AlgoTrader:

    def __init__(self, algo: Dict, time_frame: str, days: Iterable[Day], start_end: Tuple[time, time]):
        self.id = algo.get('algo_id')
        self.name = algo.get('algo_name')
        self.version = algo.get('version_id')
        self.code = algo.get('json')
        self.time_frame = time_frame
        self.days = days
        self.start_time, self.end_time = start_end

    def print(self, test_result: TestResult):
        import multiprocessing
        print(f'Current Process name: {multiprocessing.current_process().name}')
        import threading
        print(f'Current Thread name : {threading.current_thread().name}')
        print(f'{self.id}: {self.name}')
        # print_data_frame(test_result.trades)
        # print_data_frame(test_result.positions)

    def get_between_time(self):

        def localize_to_none_timezone(result: time):
            result = datetime.now(result.tzinfo).replace(
                hour=result.hour, minute=result.minute, second=0, microsecond=0
            result = result.astimezone(None)
            result = result.time()
            result = result.strftime('%H:%M')
            return result

        return localize_to_none_timezone(self.start_time), localize_to_none_timezone(self.end_time)

    def get_start_date_end_date(self, watch: bool):
        end = datetime.now(pytz.timezone('US/Eastern'))
        end = end.replace(second=0, microsecond=0)
        end = end - timedelta(minutes=15)

        if watch:
            # start = datetime.fromtimestamp(1693519200, pytz.timezone('US/Eastern'))
            start = datetime.now(pytz.timezone('US/Eastern'))
            start = start.replace(hour=9, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
            start = end - timedelta(minutes=1)

        portfolio, session = _get_trading_state(self.id, self.version)
        if portfolio and len(portfolio.bars) > 0:
            last_bar_date = max([b.date for b in portfolio.bars])
            last_bar_date = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(last_bar_date) / 1e9).replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
            last_bar_date = last_bar_date.astimezone(pytz.timezone('US/Eastern'))
            if start < last_bar_date:
                start = last_bar_date
        return start, end

    def get_cron_trigger(self):
        if self.start_time.tzinfo != self.end_time.tzinfo:
            raise ValueError()
        timezone = set([t.tzinfo for t in [self.start_time, self.end_time]])
        if len(timezone) != 1:
            raise ValueError()
        timezone = timezone.pop()
        day_of_week = ','.join([str(d.value) for d in self.days])

        amount, unit = parse_alpaca_timeframe(self.time_frame)

        from apscheduler.triggers.cron import CronTrigger
        from apscheduler.triggers.combining import AndTrigger

        match unit:
            case TimeFrameUnit.Day:
                return CronTrigger(day_of_week=day_of_week, hour=16, timezone=pytz.timezone('US/Eastern'))
            case TimeFrameUnit.Hour:
                hour = f'{self.start_time.hour}-{self.end_time.hour}'
                return CronTrigger(day_of_week=day_of_week, hour=hour, minute='*', timezone=timezone)
            case TimeFrameUnit.Minute:
                hour = f'{self.start_time.hour + 1}-{self.end_time.hour}'

                match amount:
                    case 1:
                        start_minute = f'{self.start_time.minute + 15}-59'
                        end_minute = f'0-{self.end_time.minute + 15}/{amount}'
                    case 5:
                        start_minute = f'{self.start_time.minute + 15}-59/{amount}'
                        end_minute = f'0-{self.end_time.minute + 15}/{amount}'
                    case 15:
                        start_minute = f'{self.start_time.minute + 15}'
                        end_minute = f'0,{self.end_time.minute + 15}'
                    case _:
                        raise NotImplementedError()

                result = AndTrigger([
                    CronTrigger(day_of_week=day_of_week, hour=hour, minute=f'*/{amount}', timezone=timezone),
                return result
            case _:
                raise NotImplementedError

    def trade(self):

        start_date, end_date = self.get_start_date_end_date(False)

        algo = Algo(self.code, self.version, self.time_frame, start_date)

        from valkyrie.algo.timescale import TimeScaleDBDataSource
        strategy = ExecutableStrategy(
            TimeScaleDBDataSource(), start_date - timedelta(days=algo.warmup * 2), end_date, algo

        amount, unit = parse_alpaca_timeframe(algo.time_frame)
        between_time = self.get_between_time()
        match unit:
            case TimeFrameUnit.Day:
                test_result = strategy.backtest(timeframe=algo.time_frame, days=self.days)
            case TimeFrameUnit.Hour | TimeFrameUnit.Minute:
                test_result = strategy.backtest(
                    timeframe=algo.time_frame, between_time=between_time, days=self.days
            case _:
                raise NotImplementedError()

class ExecutableStrategy(Strategy):

    def __init__(
            self, data_source: Union[DataSource, pd.DataFrame],
            start_date: Union[str, datetime], end_date: Union[str, datetime],
            algo: Algo
        from pybroker import StrategyConfig
        super().__init__(data_source, start_date, end_date, StrategyConfig(exit_on_last_bar=True))
        self._algo = algo
        self.portfolio, self.session = _get_trading_state(self._algo.algo_id, self._algo.version_id)

        if self.portfolio is None:
            self.portfolio = Portfolio(
        if self.session is None:
            self.session = {}

        self.client = TradingClient(
            paper=os.getenv('ALPACA_PAPER') == 'True'

    def walkforward(
            windows: int,
            lookahead: int = 1,
            start_date: Optional[Union[str, datetime]] = None,
            end_date: Optional[Union[str, datetime]] = None,
            timeframe: str = "",
            between_time: Optional[tuple[str, str]] = None,
            days: Optional[Union[str, Day, Iterable[Union[str, Day]]]] = None,
            train_size: float = 0.5,
            shuffle: bool = False,
            calc_bootstrap: bool = False,
            disable_parallel: bool = False,
            warmup: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> Optional[TestResult]:
        if warmup is not None and warmup < 1:
            raise ValueError("warmup must be > 0.")
        scope = StaticScope.instance()
            if not self._executions:
                raise ValueError("No executions were added.")
            start_dt = (
                if start_date is None
                else to_datetime(start_date)
            if start_dt < self._start_date or start_dt > self._end_date:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"start_date must be between {self._start_date} and "
            end_dt = (
                self._end_date if end_date is None else to_datetime(end_date)
            if end_dt < self._start_date or end_dt > self._end_date:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"end_date must be between {self._start_date} and "
            if start_dt is not None and end_dt is not None:
                verify_date_range(start_dt, end_dt)
            self._logger.walkforward_start(start_dt, end_dt)
            df = self._fetch_data(timeframe)
            day_ids = self._to_day_ids(days)
            df = self._filter_dates(
            tf_seconds = to_seconds(timeframe)
            indicator_data = self._fetch_indicators(
            train_only = (
                    self._before_exec_fn is None
                    and self._after_exec_fn is None
                    and all(map(lambda e: e.fn is None, self._executions))
            # here is the change :-)
            portfolio = self.portfolio
            # here was the change :-)

            if train_only:
                return None
            return self._to_test_result(
                start_dt, end_dt, portfolio, calc_bootstrap

    def _place_buy_orders(
            self, date: np.datetime64, price_scope: PriceScope, pending_order_scope: PendingOrderScope,
            buy_sched: dict[np.datetime64, list[ExecResult]], portfolio: Portfolio, enable_fractional_shares: bool
            date, price_scope, pending_order_scope, buy_sched, portfolio, enable_fractional_shares
        self.synchronize_portfolio(portfolio, date)

    def _place_sell_orders(
            self, date: np.datetime64, price_scope: PriceScope, pending_order_scope: PendingOrderScope,
            sell_sched: dict[np.datetime64, list[ExecResult]], portfolio: Portfolio, enable_fractional_shares: bool
            date, price_scope, pending_order_scope, sell_sched, portfolio, enable_fractional_shares
        self.synchronize_portfolio(portfolio, date)

    def synchronize_portfolio(self, portfolio: Portfolio, date: np.datetime64):
        from alpaca.common import APIError
        from alpaca.broker import MarketOrderRequest
        for o in portfolio.orders:
            if o.id not in self.session.keys():
                request = MarketOrderRequest(symbol=o.symbol, qty=o.shares, side=o.type, time_in_force='day')
                    response = self.client.submit_order(request)
                except APIError as e:
                        f'Unable to place order {request.symbol} {request.type} {request.side} {request.qty}: {e.response.text}'
                    self.session.update({o.id: e.response})
                    self.session.update({o.id: response})
                    with get_cursor() as cursor:
                        from valkyrie.algo.postgres import upsert_algo_trading
                        timestamp = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(date) / 1e9).replace(tzinfo=pytz.UTC)
                            cursor, self._algo.algo_id, self._algo.version_id, timestamp, portfolio,

So before you want to implement live trading in Pybroker by your self you should take a look at:

First of all. I really like Pybroker. It has good software design and is quite well unit tested. The whole codebase looks very good maintained and taking into account the amount of code nearly 99,9% works how they should. It is also very easy to understand when you are debugging it (beside the timezone stuff - that is necessary in most cases)

Stocks and maybe Crypto, where I did not take a deeper look at the source code or the code is proprietary

So you should have now a lot of options. Have fun

SW4T400 commented 1 week ago

@Pirat83 , thanks for sharing your progress - I appreciate it alot! I haven´t read it all yet and am not yet in a place where I would even have "PRODUCTION" code. So I will respond and thank you later in more detail.

Thanks for now.

Pirat83 commented 1 week ago

Hi @SW4T400,

yeah you are welcome. For all those how also haven't read all that yet. Here the short version:

Placing an order in the real markets is something completely different then placing it in a backtesting software. Even placing an order on a paper account is different then on a real market. Pybroker is a piece of software that is very good designed, it is easy to extend and easy to use, so very good maintained. This is why I really like it.

You should properly pay money for a solution that works and has an active developer team with a sustainable business model then implement live trading by your own. This is my opinion and properly this what 99.999% of participant in algo trading should do, when they are searching for a reliable trade execution framework - after they have found a reliable strategy and are able to trade it by hand.