edtro / EdTro.AzureDevOps.Extensions.querybasedboards

Query Based Boards enables a user to visualize the result of work item queries as a board and track the dependencies.
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Feature request: add custom tab on Sprints hub #48

Open dominikbohm opened 3 years ago

dominikbohm commented 3 years ago


it would by very useful, if it would be possilbe to setup a Query based board custom tab on the Sprints hub (similarly to the Backlog/Board hub). Thank you.

edtro commented 3 years ago

Hi @dominikbohm,

Agreed, this would be a nice addition. But I will have to investigate how mutch effort it will cost to do this. On the backlog/board hub it was relatively easy... but I had to implement the option to switch between multiple teamss/levels. I guess that something similar will be needed here. Next to that I will have to find some time, to do this in.

At the moment I am working on something else (a new feature)... but it is a little bit complex and it is taking longer than I have expected. But the biggest issue at the moment is finding spare time.

Kr Edward