edtro / EdTro.AzureDevOps.Extensions.querybasedboards

Query Based Boards enables a user to visualize the result of work item queries as a board and track the dependencies.
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Add support for "One hop query" relationships aside from parent-child #52

Open AkrupkaIT opened 3 years ago

AkrupkaIT commented 3 years ago

My company uses PBI's for deployment tracking as well as specific code tasks (we then use "Tasks" for the different aspects of that given PBI. e.g. Dev, San etc...). I'd really like to have taskboard that would be focused on the releases but where we could see the PBI's for each release. See image for my current query. Would it be possible to have the taskboard display the query results as if it was a parent-child relationship? -Thank you! image

edtro commented 3 years ago

Dear @AkrupkaIT

Thank you for your feedback, highly appreciated.

One of the main design aspects of this extensions (and I think of any board) is that an Work Item should only appear once on the board, so the position is unique.

If I would allow the setup as you have mentioned, it would be possible that an workitem could pop up on different places within the board. Within the resultset of the query this is a possibility, for a query resultset this works, but within a board I think it does not.

So that is why I have restricted the implementation of the One-Hop queries, that I am only allowing Parent-Child relations, because these relations naturally implement the correct behaviour.

I am sorry to say that I am not planning to change this.

Kr Edward