edtro / EdTro.AzureDevOps.Extensions.querybasedboards

Query Based Boards enables a user to visualize the result of work item queries as a board and track the dependencies.
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Query & configuration for Feature board #60

Closed vensub-fy closed 2 years ago

vensub-fy commented 2 years ago

I understand your extension is powerful. But I wish you had these as pre-packaged queries. Can someone share the query and configuration details as to how to get this board in place.

Screen Shot 2022-05-29 at 8 55 19 PM

vensub-fy commented 2 years ago

Ok, I think i figured this out. Thanks, this board is very helpful for us.

Here is the query I used. select [System.Id], [System.WorkItemType], [System.Title], [System.AssignedTo], [System.State], [System.Tags], [Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Priority] from WorkItemLinks where (Source.[System.TeamProject] = @project and Source.[System.WorkItemType] = 'Feature' and not Source.[System.State] in ('Closed', 'Completed', 'Done')) and (Target.[System.TeamProject] = @project and Target.[System.WorkItemType] in ('Product Backlog Item', 'Bug')) order by [Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Priority], [System.Id] mode (MustContain)

And I was able to see an option "Show as Taskboard" (The following screenshot actually shows an Agile board, while the query above is for a "Scrum" process. We use the Scrum process, so we have Features, PBIs and Bugs etc. But I am sharing the board below just as a reference of how we wanted to see our board. With Feature as a parent and show the individual PBIs or bugs on a taskboard. Screen Shot 2022-05-30 at 9 10 31 AM

edtro commented 2 years ago

Great to hear that you tried it yourself! To get the most out of the queries itself, try to use the extenion created by Otto Streifel, see: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ottostreifel.wiql-editor