edtro / EdTro.AzureDevOps.Extensions.querybasedboards

Query Based Boards enables a user to visualize the result of work item queries as a board and track the dependencies.
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Swimlanes not working #68

Closed wkamer closed 1 year ago

wkamer commented 1 year ago


I put the json below in the config of the query, but the swimlanes are not shown.

    "swimlanes": {
        "field": "Microsoft.VSTS.Common.ValueArea",
        "defaultValue": "Business",
        "values": [
                "value": "Architectural",
                "title": "Architectural"
                "value": "Business",
                "title": "Business"

I expect two lanes with the Epics spread over those two lanes with the corresponding value in de (default) Value Are field.

edtro commented 1 year ago

Hi, Sorry for the late response, but I will be looking into this issue shortly (I have got some leave with the holidays). Kr Edward

awojtas commented 1 year ago

Same experience here on Azure DevOps 2020 on-premises, swimlanes not working, although the config is parsed and saved correctly

edtro commented 1 year ago

I will try it on a on-premise installation this week.

within the On-Line version it works correctly, with the following setup: "swimlanes":{ "field":"Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.Blocked", "defaultValue": "No", "values":[ { "value":"Yes", "title":"Is Blocked" } ] }

Please make sure it is a 'Flat query'... also please try an other field (e.g. the field Blocked from the example above).

Kr Edward

edtro commented 1 year ago

@wkamer I have tested this example configuration on a on-premise instance and it is working as expected. Can you please try my suggestion of the previous post. Thanks in advance

edtro commented 1 year ago

Please also note what is mentioned within the config.md regarding swimlanes:

Important notice When you configure the query to split up the columns into Doing/Done and/or use the swimlanes, be aware that this extension will also do updates to the workitem in other fields than just the 'System.State' field. We are using existing fields (or custom fields you have created yourself), but we only allow fields that are setup with "allowed values".

So make sure that:

The REST api can retrieve the "allowed values", see examples: _apis/wit/workitemtypes/Bug/fields/Microsoft.VSTS.CMMI.Blocked?$expand=All&api-version=5.1 (this is a text based picklist) _apis/wit/workitemtypes/Bug/fields/Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Priority?$expand=All&api-version=5.1 (this is a number based picklist)) (also fields of the type boolean are allowed, regardless that these have no "allowed values" within, but obviously the allowed values are True or False, so this is implemented) Please mind uppercase and lowercase, it is case sensitive. NOTE: for obvious reasons all system fields are not allowed to be used e.g. System.WorkItemType, because the risk is too high or they are system protected.

NOTE #2: make sure to implement rules when you want to use the doing/done columns to reset the 'done' value to 'false' on state change.

edtro commented 1 year ago

Dear, I am closing this issue because I am not getting any response. Please reopen this issue and add some extra informatie like I have requested before, so I can try to help you. Kr Edward