edtro / EdTro.AzureDevOps.Extensions.querybasedboards

Query Based Boards enables a user to visualize the result of work item queries as a board and track the dependencies.
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Turning on the new board feature will hide the option to show a query as a Taskboard completely #81

Open edtro opened 1 year ago

edtro commented 1 year ago

See thread on Marketplace:

Hi Edward, Thank you for your reply. At the moment, when I turn on the new board feature, the option to show a query as a Taskboard disappears completely. If I ignore that and try to use the Taskboard URL I had before, nothing loads and I get a blank screen. As it stands, the new board feature kills the query based boards for me. Maybe I'm missing something so happy to follow any instructions. By Eduardo Naretto maandag

naretto commented 1 year ago

Hi Edward, Thank you for creating this work item to look into it.

I looked further as well and I'm now thinking it is an intermittent issue and most likely related to policies from the work network.

Tested on:

Both worked or not intermittently.

All worked correctly with no issues.

Thank you for your time and sorry for the misunderstanding - I should have tested this further before contacting you.

I will also update the marketplace question.

bergamin commented 1 year ago

@naretto, for me the option does show up, but if I load the link that goes directly to the board, the board is blank


Once I click on the "Show as board" tab, it renders. This is specially annoying for me, because I embedded the query in a dashboard using this link, so now every time I open the dashboard, I have to click again on the tab for it to load

@edtro, let me know if this is what you actually meant. If not related, @naretto, let me know if I should open a new issue

Edit: as you can see, currently using Opera, because Chrome and Firefox are eternally clean for my development tests

edtro commented 1 year ago

Hi @bergamin Thanks for joinig the discussion... all feedback is appreciated :) I do not know if you are using the 'old' boards or the 'new' boards... but with the 'old' boards, there is no way you can use an url from within an external application (or your favourites) to navigate directly to a QBB board. This is a limitation of the provided framework (the extension is loaded too late by the framework).

But within the 'new' boards however, it looks like something has changed (for the better), so I have to investigate if I can resolve this issue

However, I still need the find the time to actual do this :( I will keep you posted

Kr Edward

bergamin commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure if old and new boards you mention are the same I mention because in the old one I clearly was able to add the link to the dashboard. The new one is like a few weeks new. It's been in preview mode for a while and now it's been generally applied in an update (might still not be applied to every organisation though. I don't know how they roll out these updates)

Before that, it would load normally in my dashboard. After this recent update, it's the way I printed here.

In any case, thanks for replying. This isn't blocking my work or anything, so don't worry too much about it if you don't have the time right now...