Open patrickjmeurer opened 2 months ago
@patrickjmeurer I have the same problem. Did you manage to solve it?
@patrickjmeurer I have the same problem. Did you manage to solve it?
No, sorry :/
I'm still waiting for help on this.
Hey guys, I’m going to work on this bug this weekend, I promise 🥹.
(é noiz)
Thank you Eduardo.
(tamo junto)
Thanks so much, @eduardoborges.
(valeu demais xD )
@eduardoborges Do you have a news? (tem alguma novidade?)
@eduardoborges I found the problema and it is with MaterialUi Fields. The 'input' in inside of various divs, like the example bellow.
Submitted the PR #95 to solve this problem with a simple verification, something temporary, but solves the problem.
Mui TextInput generated HTML:
<div class="MuiFormControl-root MuiTextField-root css-1u3bzj6-MuiFormControl-root-MuiTextField-root">
<label class="MuiFormLabel-root MuiInputLabel-root MuiInputLabel-formControl MuiInputLabel-animated MuiInputLabel-sizeMedium MuiInputLabel-outlined MuiFormLabel-colorPrimary MuiInputLabel-root MuiInputLabel-formControl MuiInputLabel-animated MuiInputLabel-sizeMedium MuiInputLabel-outlined css-1pqivtv-MuiFormLabel-root-MuiInputLabel-root" data-shrink="false" for=":r1:" id=":r1:-label">CPF:</label>
<div class="MuiInputBase-root MuiOutlinedInput-root MuiInputBase-colorPrimary MuiInputBase-formControl css-19bjxwv-MuiInputBase-root-MuiOutlinedInput-root">
<input aria-invalid="false" id=":r1:" name="socialNumber" type="text" class="MuiInputBase-input MuiOutlinedInput-input css-1t8l2tu-MuiInputBase-input-MuiOutlinedInput-input" value="" inputmode="text">
<fieldset aria-hidden="true" class="MuiOutlinedInput-notchedOutline css-1d3z3hw-MuiOutlinedInput-notchedOutline">
<legend class="css-yjsfm1"><span>CPF:</span></legend>
Hello guys! I'm using the MaterialUI Lib, with React Hook Form and FormMask, but my input is disappearing. This is how i'm using it:
Form page:
TextField component:
The result is the "Nome" field normaly, but the "price" field is gone :/
I'm doing something wrong? Didn't work with any other type of mask. Thanks for any help!