eduardogsilva / routerfleet

RouterFleet: An open-source solution for centralized router and network equipment management. Initially focused on Mikrotik devices, it offers simplified backups, updates, and security. Perfect for managing a fleet of devices efficiently. Join us in evolving RouterFleet's capabilities
MIT License
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Device discovery #30

Closed EtherAddict closed 6 days ago

EtherAddict commented 2 months ago

When deploying in larger networks being able to add an IP range to discover devices would be awesome instead of adding every device independently.

Love the project!

eduardogsilva commented 2 months ago

Hi @EtherAddict

Thank you for the device discovery feature suggestion. It’s an interesting idea that could add significant functionality to RouterFleet. I’ve outlined a few potential implementation options and have some concerns regarding each:

Proposed Options for Device Discovery

  1. Simple Discovery with Manual Addition

    • Discover devices with an open SSH port.
    • Display each discovered device with an option to manually add it to RouterFleet by clicking an "add" button. This would pre-fill the device's address in the current add/edit router screen.
  2. Automated Discovery with Credentials

    • Allow users to initiate a discovery scan by specifying router type, login credentials (username + password or key), and an IP address range.
    • Automatically add discovered hosts that match the provided OS and credentials.
  3. Automated Discovery without Specifying Router Type

    • Similar to Option 2, but without specifying the router type.
    • After successful login, RouterFleet would attempt to determine the router type by executing OS-specific commands.


Alternative Suggestion

I’d love to hear everyone's thoughts on these options and welcome any additional ideas or feedback you might have.


jakes0ns commented 2 months ago

I Think CSV import is a great idea. Other big players use this feature, it would be good to also be able to import names for the routers other then simply just pulling the router ID

eduardogsilva commented 2 months ago

@jakes0ns I plan to fetch some router information, including hardware information, cpu, ram, id, os version and some extra info. This information should be updated automatically every day or so.

eduardogsilva commented 6 days ago

Just as an update, I've implemented the CSV import tool. Cheers!