eduardolundgren / tracking.js

A modern approach for Computer Vision on the web
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Facial landmark detection #223

Open blackshrub opened 7 years ago

blackshrub commented 7 years ago

Is tracking.js already capable to detect facial landmark? How can we specify a particular face feature with FAST method in tracking.js?

revolunet commented 7 years ago

hi, any progress on this ?

blackshrub commented 7 years ago

@revolunet Nope, I'm finally using another js lib that has supported it out of the box.

alexiskattan commented 7 years ago

@blackshrub which one?

blackshrub commented 7 years ago


Jylomaki commented 6 years ago

Now there is also CLMTrack.js to do facial landmarking. Seems like it uses GPU to speed computation too.