eduardolundgren / tracking.js

A modern approach for Computer Vision on the web
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face recognition by displaying face name #274

Open myinzack opened 6 years ago

myinzack commented 6 years ago


my requirement is as follows:

On the client side using webcam i need to detect the face which has to be sent to server(python) and relavant name of the face to be identified. On the client side, the name of the face needs to be tagged to the face detected in the webcam.

i am trying to implement webhooks so that necessary post request needs to invoked once the face is detected and shud be able to read the response.

Iam stuck how to send the detect face to the webhook post request. pls suggest

Thanks vijay

myinzack commented 6 years ago

We were able to resolve the partially.

On the client side all detected faces are stored in temporary folder. Once the face is stored we are sending AJAX request to the server and extracting the face vectors from it on the server side. The response is sent back to the client and displayed on the browser

The problem with the above solution is we are not able to control the POST requests to the server and response is quite slow. Please suggest the best possible solution

murat-aka commented 6 years ago


tag friends example sample code

kialc commented 6 years ago


How/what software have you used to extract the face vectors? Can this be done using trackingjs?

Thanks in advance

murat-aka commented 6 years ago