eduardolundgren / tracking.js

A modern approach for Computer Vision on the web
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how to close the PC camera and is this js lib can not support the version under chrome49 #275

Open KungFuPandaNoKungFu opened 6 years ago

KungFuPandaNoKungFu commented 6 years ago

this lib is very good But I had two questions when I used this lib . first: I could opened the camera but I couldn't closed it. I only closed the video element. second: I user this js to the vesion over chrome49 . it's OK.But it couln't work under chrome49. I rewrote the function initUserMedia_. I hope to know that is this the author deliberately does not support or you will support it later

KungFuPandaNoKungFu commented 6 years ago

help who can help me ! sos ! ths

KungFuPandaNoKungFu commented 6 years ago

tks very much

murat-aka commented 6 years ago