eduardolundgren / tracking.js

A modern approach for Computer Vision on the web
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Multiple objects as faces #284

Open myinzack opened 6 years ago

myinzack commented 6 years ago


Recently we have downloaded latest version of tracking.js and found that it is objects as faces.

i tried with th options like tracking.ObjectTracker.prototype.scaleFactor = 1.80; tracking.ObjectTracker.prototype.stepSize = 2.0; but i could not fix it.

After i tried couple of options , i found that by adjusting the value of "minNeighbors" (in python ) has solved the issue of detecting other objects as faces. Hw can we set this paramter in tracking.js ? pls suggest

Ex: python code faces = faceCascade.detectMultiScale( gray, scaleFactor=1.1, minNeighbors=10, minSize=(20, 20) )

Thanks vijay

murat-aka commented 6 years ago

I couldn't find minNeighbors in tracking.js

following is the available options



   @param {number} edgesDensity 

       Percentage density edges inside the
       classifier block. Value from [0.0, 1.0], defaults to 0.2. If specified
       edge detection will be applied to the image to prune dead areas of the
       image, this can improve significantly performance.