eduardolundgren / tracking.js

A modern approach for Computer Vision on the web
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detecting images #341

Open alexreflexive opened 5 years ago

alexreflexive commented 5 years ago

Hello I’m trying to use Tracking.js to detect images with webcam and smartphone camera. The app must be a web app, it cannot be a mobile app. The app has to recognize the image out of several others. I see two options. One: make an object like face.js or eye.js and track it with the object tracking. Option two: make a custom tracker that detects images. None of them is a trivial affair. So, I wonder if someone has tried to do something like that. And, if someone has some doc to achieve this, because it is a lack of information about that. Thank you.

murat-aka commented 5 years ago

alexreflexive commented 5 years ago

Thank you for your answer. The point is that the app will be part of an existing website, it cannot be a smartphoen app.

murat-aka commented 5 years ago